Shows how the CFT modules can be composed to build a secure cloud foundation
- benphunterMicrosoft
- cameronraysmithHarvard Medical School
- dnovakovskiyGoogle Netherlands B.V.
- elavenracNoctua Technology, Inc.
- falico
- gangchen03Austin, TX
- garrettwongGoogle
- gkzeBasis
- gvarisco@google
- ink0gnitasGoogle
- ipv1337FLYR, Inc.
- janpeukerStripe
- jonathan-moulds-sbstrategyblocks.com
- jonathanmccracken@dahood
- kadodson612
- lfxVancouver, BC
- mrgleecoSF
- mvpzone@google
- narcistesaToronto
- nhsy
- pascalwhoop@everycure-org
- paslandauMySEOSolution
- Paul781
- paulwilljones@jetstack
- pmjansson
- quinnturnerHalifax, Nova Scotia
- rcclemente
- rjerremsSydney, Australia
- ronigarcia
- sbadakhc@xencon
- sunhill
- tmrelvaBrazil
- unnity
- WillBeebe@onix-net
- xhsun
- zsais@GoogleCloudPlatform