
Creates a Compute Engine instance running Jenkins

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Terraform Jenkins GCE Module

This module handles the creation of a GCE instance running Jenkins, configured to run builds on Google Cloud. Creates an instance that can be logged into with the username user and the password bitnami.


This module is meant for use with Terraform 0.12. If you haven't upgraded and need a Terraform 0.11.x-compatible version of this module, the last released version intended for Terraform 0.11.x is v0.1.0.


Please see the examples folder.


Name Description Type Default Required
create_firewall_rules If worker firewall rules should be created bool "false" no
gcs_bucket The name of an existing GCS bucket to associate with the created service account, allowing build artifacts to be uploaded. Leave blank to skip string "" no
jenkins_boot_disk_source_image The name of the disk image to use as the boot disk for the Jenkins master string "bitnami-jenkins-2-176-2-0-linux-debian-9-x86-64" no
jenkins_boot_disk_source_image_project The project within which the disk image to use as the Jenkins master boot disk exists string "bitnami-launchpad" no
jenkins_initial_password The initial password to protect Jenkins logins with. Defaults to a random 8-character alphanumeric string. This may not contain special characters. string "" no
jenkins_instance_access_cidrs CIDRs to allow to access Jenkins over HTTP(s) list(string) <list> no
jenkins_instance_additional_metadata Additional instance metadata to assign to the Jenkins VM map(string) <map> no
jenkins_instance_machine_type The machine type to provision for Jenkins string "n1-standard-4" no
jenkins_instance_name The name to assign to the Jenkins VM string "jenkins" no
jenkins_instance_network The GCP network to deploy the Jenkins VM in. The firewall rules will be created in the project which hosts this network. string n/a yes
jenkins_instance_subnetwork The GCP subnetwork to deploy the Jenkins VM in string n/a yes
jenkins_instance_tags Tags to assign to the Jenkins VM list(string) <list> no
jenkins_instance_zone The zone to deploy the Jenkins VM in string n/a yes
jenkins_jobs A list of Jenkins jobs to configure on the instance list <list> no
jenkins_network_project_id The project ID of the Jenkins network string "" no
jenkins_service_account_display_name The display name of the service account to create for Jenkins VM provisioning string "Jenkins" no
jenkins_service_account_name The name of the service account to create for Jenkins VM provisioning string "jenkins" no
jenkins_workers_boot_disk_size_gb The size of Jenkins worker boot disks, in gigabytes string "10" no
jenkins_workers_boot_disk_source_image The fully qualified URL to the disk image to use as the boot disk for Jenkins workers string "ubuntu-1604-xenial-v20181023" no
jenkins_workers_boot_disk_source_image_project The project within which the disk image to use as the Jenkins worker boot disk exists string "ubuntu-os-cloud" no
jenkins_workers_boot_disk_type The boot disk type to associate with Jenkins workers. Valid options are 'local-ssd', 'pd-ssd', and 'pd-standard' string "pd-ssd" no
jenkins_workers_description A description of the Jenkins worker cloud to show in Jenkins string "Jenkins worker" no
jenkins_workers_instance_cap The maximum number of GCE instances to create as Jenkins workers string "1" no
jenkins_workers_labels GCP labels to apply to Jankins workers list(string) <list> no
jenkins_workers_launch_timeout_seconds The number of seconds to wait for a Jenkins worker to come online before timing out string "300" no
jenkins_workers_machine_type The machine type to deploy Jenkins workers onto string "n1-standard-1" no
jenkins_workers_min_cpu_platform The minimum CPU platform to deploy Jenkins workers onto. Leave blank for no restriction. string "" no
jenkins_workers_name_prefix A prefix for the Jenkins workers instance names string "jenkins" no
jenkins_workers_network The URL of the network to deploy Jenkins workers into string n/a yes
jenkins_workers_network_tags A list of network tags to apply to Jenkins workers list(string) <list> no
jenkins_workers_num_executors The number of concurrent jobs that can run on each Jenkins worker string "1" no
jenkins_workers_preemptible Whether to launch Jenkins workers as preemptible instances string "false" no
jenkins_workers_project_id The GCP project to deploy Jenkins workers within string n/a yes
jenkins_workers_region The name of the region into which to deploy Jenkins workers string n/a yes
jenkins_workers_retention_time_minutes The number of minutes for Jenkins workers to remain online after completing their last job string "6" no
jenkins_workers_run_as_user The user to run Jenkins jobs as on workers string "ubuntu" no
jenkins_workers_service_account_email The service account email to assign to Jenkins workers. Leave blank for the default compute service account string "" no
jenkins_workers_startup_script Any additional configuration to run on boot of Jenkins workers string "" no
jenkins_workers_subnetwork The name of the subnetwork to deploy Jenkins workers into string "default" no
jenkins_workers_zone The name of the zone into which to deploy Jenkins workers string "us-east4-b" no
project_id The project ID to deploy to string n/a yes
region The region to deploy to string n/a yes


Name Description
jenkins_instance_initial_password The initial password assigned to the Jenkins instance's user username
jenkins_instance_name The name of the running Jenkins instance
jenkins_instance_public_ip The public IP of the Jenkins instance
jenkins_instance_service_account_email The email address of the created service account
jenkins_instance_zone The zone in which Jenkins is running


Terraform plugins

Configure a Service Account

In order to execute this module you must have a Service Account with the following project roles:

  • roles/compute.admin
  • roles/iam.serviceAccountUser
  • roles/compute.networkAdmin

roles/compute.networkAdmin is required on the host project if a shared VPC is used.

Enable API's

In order to operate with the Service Account you must activate the following APIs on the project where the Service Account was created:

  • Compute Engine API - compute.googleapis.com



Be sure you have the correct Terraform version (0.10.x), you can choose the binary here:

File structure

The project has the following folders and files:

  • /: root folder
  • /examples: examples for using this module
  • /helpers: scripts used in the build process
  • /templates: templates used in the provisioning process
  • /test: folders with files for testing the module (see Testing section on this file)
  • /main.tf: contains the resources to create
  • /variables.tf: all the variables for the module
  • /output.tf: the outputs of the module
  • /README.md: this file