Creates an opinionated Google Cloud project by using Shared VPC, IAM, and Google Cloud APIs
- amycodes@digitalocean
- antonwinter@ketch-com
- ashayh
- BMalshaKonara
- brendanhillsGoogle
- cch0
- chezbutTaos
- confidence8
- davelindo@ops-guru
- davewongillies@salesforce
- e30chris@SimplifyMyCloud
- garrettwongGoogle
- husunal@Hashicorp
- ibenrodriguezX as a Service Security Posture Management, and Runtime Protection
- ilgarm
- ipv1337FLYR, Inc.
- jlucktay@ovotech
- lilithmooncohenWriter
- LusciousPearRoboticProfit
- MB1B
- michaeldeman
- mike-ensorGoogle
- Milka1985
- morganteNew York
- mrserverlessDeloitte Cloud & Engineering
- NFollett89#OpenToWork
- Nurdan96
- opicard
- qiyue0827
- qwohyperdrivetech
- rbramwellPythian
- rdkrUnited Kingdom
- reijuuzou
- talintali
- tdigangi
- ZamyatinDevOps (Class: SRE) Engineering nomad