
Creates SLOs on Google Cloud from custom Stackdriver metrics capability to export SLOs to Google Cloud services and other systems

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Native SLOs (Service Monitoring API)

The slo-native submodule deploys SLOs to Google Cloud Service Monitoring API. It uses the native Terraform resource google_monitoring_slo to achieve this.

Use this module if:

  • Your SLOs will use metrics from Cloud Monitoring backend only, not other backends.

  • You want to use the Service Monitoring UI to monitor your SLOs.


Deploy your SLO directly to the Service Monitoring API:

HCL format

module "slo_basic" {
  source = "terraform-google-modules/slo/google//modules/slo-native"
  config = {
    project_id        = var.app_engine_project_id
    service           = data.google_monitoring_app_engine_service.default.service_id
    slo_id            = "gae-slo"
    display_name      = "90% of App Engine default service HTTP response latencies < 500ms over a day"
    goal              = 0.9
    calendar_period   = "DAY"
    type              = "basic_sli"
    method            = "latency"
    latency_threshold = "0.5s"

See examples/native/simple_example for another example.

YAML format

You can also write an SLO in a YAML definition file and load it into the module:

locals {
  config = yamldecode(file("configs/my_slo_config.yaml"))

module "slo_basic" {
  source = "terraform-google-modules/slo/google//modules/slo-native"
  config = local.config

A standard SRE practice is to write SLO definitions as YAML files, and follow DRY principles. See examples/slo-generator/yaml_example for an example of how to write re-usable YAML templates loaded into Terraform.

SLO generator (any monitoring backend)

The slo-generator module deploys the slo-generator in Cloud Run in order to compute and export SLOs on a schedule.

SLO Configurations are pushed to Google Cloud Storage, and schedules are maintained using Google Cloud Schedulers.

Use this setup if:

  • You are using other metrics backends than Cloud Monitoring that you want to create SLOs out of (e.g: Elastic, Datadog, Prometheus, ...).

  • You want to have custom reporting and exporting for your SLO data, along with historical data (e.g: BigQuery, DataStudio, custom metrics).

  • You want to have a common configuration format for all SLOs (see documentation).




This module is meant for use with Terraform 0.13+ and tested using Terraform 1.0+. If you find incompatibilities using Terraform >=0.13, please open an issue. If you haven't upgraded and need a Terraform 0.12.x-compatible version of this module, the last released version intended for Terraform 0.12.x is v1.0.2.


Deploy the SLO generator service with some SLO configs:

locals {
  config = yamldecode(file("configs/config.yaml"))
  slo_configs = [
    for cfg in fileset(path.module, "/configs/slo_*.yaml") :

module "slo-generator" {
  source = "terraform-google-modules/slo/google//modules/slo-generator"
  project_id  = "<PROJECT_ID>"
  config      = local.config
  slo_configs = local.slo_configs

For information on the config formats, please refer to the slo-generator documentation:

See examples/slo-generator/ for more examples with different setups.


Refer to the contribution guidelines for information on contributing to this module.