
Creates and configures an IBM Cloud Databases for MySQL instance

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

IBM Cloud Databases for MySQL module

Stable (With quality checks) latest release pre-commit Renovate enabled semantic-release

This module implements an instance of the IBM Cloud Databases for MySQL service.

❗ The module does not support major version upgrades or updates to encryption and backup encryption keys. To upgrade the version, create another instance of Databases for MySQL with the updated version and follow the steps in Upgrading MySQL docs in the IBM Cloud Docs.




IBM Cloud Databases supports only Key Protect encryption for backups, not Hyper Protect Crypto Services. If you enable key management encryption and no value is passed for 'backup_encryption_key_crn', the value of 'kms_key_crn' is used. And if a HPCS value is set for kms_key_crn, the database backup encryption uses the default encryption keys. For more information, see Hyper Protect Crypto Services Integration in the IBM Cloud Docs.

provider "ibm" {
  ibmcloud_api_key = "XXXXXXXXXX"
  region           = "us-south"

module "mysql_db" {
  source            = "terraform-ibm-modules/icd-mysql/ibm"
  version           = "X.X.X" # Replace "X.X.X" with a release version to lock into a specific release
  resource_group_id = "xxXXxxXXxXxXXXXxxXxxxXXXXxXXXXX"
  name              = "my-instance"
  region            = "us-south"

Required IAM access policies

You need the following permissions to run this module.

  • Account Management
    • Databases for MySQL service
      • Editor role access

To attach access management tags to resources in this module, you need the following permissions.

  • IAM Services
    • Tagging service
      • Administrator platform access


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3.0
ibm >= 1.68.1, < 2.0.0
time >= 0.9.1


Name Source Version
cbr_rule terraform-ibm-modules/cbr/ibm//modules/cbr-rule-module 1.24.0


Name Type
ibm_database.mysql_db resource
ibm_iam_authorization_policy.kms_policy resource
ibm_resource_key.service_credentials resource
ibm_resource_tag.mysql_tag resource
time_sleep.wait_for_authorization_policy resource
ibm_database_connection.database_connection data source


Name Description Type Default Required
access_tags A list of access tags to apply to the MySQL instance created by the module, see https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-access-tags-tutorial for more details list(string) [] no
admin_pass The password for the database administrator. If the admin password is null then the admin user ID cannot be accessed. More users can be specified in a user block. string null no
auto_scaling Optional rules to allow the database to increase resources in response to usage. Only a single autoscaling block is allowed. Make sure you understand the effects of autoscaling, especially for production environments. See https://ibm.biz/autoscaling-considerations in the IBM Cloud Docs.
disk = object({
capacity_enabled = optional(bool, false)
free_space_less_than_percent = optional(number, 10)
io_above_percent = optional(number, 90)
io_enabled = optional(bool, false)
io_over_period = optional(string, "15m")
rate_increase_percent = optional(number, 10)
rate_limit_mb_per_member = optional(number, 3670016)
rate_period_seconds = optional(number, 900)
rate_units = optional(string, "mb")
memory = object({
io_above_percent = optional(number, 90)
io_enabled = optional(bool, false)
io_over_period = optional(string, "15m")
rate_increase_percent = optional(number, 10)
rate_limit_mb_per_member = optional(number, 114688)
rate_period_seconds = optional(number, 900)
rate_units = optional(string, "mb")
null no
backup_crn The CRN of a backup resource to restore from. The backup is created by a database deployment with the same service ID. The backup is loaded after provisioning and the new deployment starts up that uses that data. A backup CRN is in the format crn:v1:<…>:backup:. If omitted, the database is provisioned empty. string null no
backup_encryption_key_crn The CRN of a KMS (Key Protect or Hyper Protect Crypto Services) key to use for encrypting the disk that holds deployment backups. Only used if var.kms_encryption_enabled is set to true. There are limitation per region on the type of KMS service (Key Protect or Hyper Protect Crypto Services) and region for those services. See https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/cloud-databases?topic=cloud-databases-key-protect&interface=ui#key-byok and https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/cloud-databases?topic=cloud-databases-hpcs#use-hpcs-backups string null no
cbr_rules (Optional, list) List of CBR rules to create
description = string
account_id = string
rule_contexts = list(object({
attributes = optional(list(object({
name = string
value = string
}))) }))
enforcement_mode = string
[] no
configuration Database configuration
max_connections = optional(number)
max_prepared_transactions = optional(number)
deadlock_timeout = optional(number)
effective_io_concurrency = optional(number)
max_replication_slots = optional(number)
max_wal_senders = optional(number)
shared_buffers = optional(number)
synchronous_commit = optional(string)
wal_level = optional(string)
archive_timeout = optional(number)
log_min_duration_statement = optional(number)
null no
existing_kms_instance_guid The GUID of the Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect instance in which the key specified in var.kms_key_crn and var.backup_encryption_key_crn is coming from. Required only if var.kms_encryption_enabled is set to true, var.skip_iam_authorization_policy is set to false, and you pass a value for var.kms_key_crn, var.backup_encryption_key_crn, or both. string null no
kms_encryption_enabled Set this to true to control the encryption keys used to encrypt the data that you store in IBM Cloud® Databases. If set to false, the data is encrypted by using randomly generated keys. For more info on Key Protect integration, see https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/cloud-databases?topic=cloud-databases-key-protect. For more info on HPCS integration, see https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/cloud-databases?topic=cloud-databases-hpcs bool false no
kms_key_crn The root key CRN of a Key Management Services like Key Protect or Hyper Protect Crypto Services (HPCS) that you want to use for disk encryption. Only used if var.kms_encryption_enabled is set to true. string null no
member_cpu_count Allocated dedicated CPU per member. For shared CPU, set to 0. Learn more number 0 no
member_disk_mb Allocated disk per member. Learn more number 10240 no
member_host_flavor Allocated host flavor per member. Learn more. string null no
member_memory_mb Allocated memory per-member. Learn more number 4096 no
members Allocated number of members. Members can be scaled up but not down. number 3 no
mysql_version Version of the MySQL instance to provision. If no value is passed, the current preferred version of IBM Cloud Databases is used. string null no
name The name given to the MySQL instance. string n/a yes
pitr_id (Optional) The ID of the source deployment MySQL instance that you want to recover back to. The MySQL instance is expected to be in an up and in running state. string null no
pitr_time (Optional) The timestamp in UTC format (%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ) for any time in the last 7 days that you want to restore to. To retrieve the timestamp, run the command (ibmcloud cdb mysql earliest-pitr-timestamp ). For more info on Point-in-time Recovery, see https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/databases-for-mysql?topic=databases-for-mysql-pitr string null no
region The region where you want to deploy your instance. string "us-south" no
remote_leader_crn A CRN of the leader database to make the replica(read-only) deployment. The leader database is created by a database deployment with the same service ID. A read-only replica is set up to replicate all of your data from the leader deployment to the replica deployment by using asynchronous replication. For more information, see https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/databases-for-mysql?topic=databases-for-mysql-read-replicas string null no
resource_group_id The resource group ID where the MySQL instance will be created. string n/a yes
resource_tags Optional list of tags to be added to the MySQL instance. list(string) [] no
service_credential_names Map of name, role for service credentials that you want to create for the database map(string) {} no
service_endpoints Specify whether you want to enable the public, private, or both service endpoints. Supported values are 'public', 'private', or 'public-and-private'. string "private" no
skip_iam_authorization_policy Set to true to skip the creation of an IAM authorization policy that permits all MySQL database instances in the resource group to read the encryption key from the KMS instance. If set to false, pass in a value for the KMS instance in the existing_kms_instance_guid variable. In addition, no policy is created if var.kms_encryption_enabled is set to false. bool false no
use_default_backup_encryption_key Set to true to use default ICD randomly generated keys. bool false no
users A list of users that you want to create on the database. Multiple blocks are allowed. The user password must be in the range of 10-32 characters. Be warned that in most case using IAM service credentials (via the var.service_credential_names) is sufficient to control access to the MySQL instance. These blocks creates native MySQL database users, more info on that can be found here https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/databases-for-mysql?topic=databases-for-mysql-user-management
name = string
password = string # pragma: allowlist secret
type = optional(string)
role = optional(string)
[] no


Name Description
adminuser Database admin user name
cbr_rule_ids CBR rule ids created to restrict MySQL access
certificate_base64 Database connection certificate
crn MySQL instance crn
guid MySQL instance guid
hostname Database connection hostname
id MySQL instance id
port Database connection port
service_credentials_json Service credentials json map
service_credentials_object Service credentials object
version MySQL instance version


You can report issues and request features for this module in GitHub issues in the module repo. See Report an issue or request a feature.

To set up your local development environment, see Local development setup in the project documentation.