
Creates a Key Protect instance, key rings for different services, and a key for each instance of the service.

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Key Protect all inclusive module

Graduated (Supported) Build status semantic-release pre-commit latest release Renovate enabled

This module combines the following Key Protect modules to create a full end-to-end key infrastructure:

The module takes a map, called key_map, that supports hierarchical "key rings" for a single Key Protect instance. Because access to key rings is managed in Key Protect, you can comply with controls around least privilege (for example, NIST AC-6) and can reduce the number of access groups you need to assign. For more information about key rings, see Grouping keys together using key rings. The following example shows a typical topology for a Key Protect instance:

├── cos-key-ring
│   ├── root-key-cos-bucket-1
│   ├── root-key-cos-bucket-2
│   ├── root-key-cos-bucket-...
├── ocp-key-ring
│   ├── root-key-ocp-cluster-1
│   ├── root-key-ocp-cluster-2
│   ├── root-key-ocp-cluster-...

Multiple Key Protect instances, and potential future directions for this module

The strings cos-bucket and ocp-cluster are the cluster IDs for Cloud Object Storage and for the OpenShift Container Platform.

The module supports only a single Key Protect instance and creates the key topology in that instance. It doesn't create multiple Key Protect instances. However, in a typical production environment, services might need multiple Key Protect instances for compliance reasons.

For example, you might need isolation between regulatory boundaries (for example, between FedRamp and everything else). Or you might be required to isolate keys that are used by a service's control plane from the data plane (for example, with IBM Cloud Databases (ICD) services).

To achieve compliance, you can write logic to call the module multiple times to create multiple Key Protect instances.

One emerging pattern is to create one Key Protect instance per VPC. All workloads in the VPC access the Key Protect instance through a VPE binding. This simple approach ensures network segmentation. A drawback is that this approach creates more Key Protect instances than necessary, in some case.




provider "ibm" {
  ibmcloud_api_key = "XXXXXXXXXX"
  region           = "us-south"

module "key_protect_all_inclusive" {
  # Replace "main" with a GIT release version to lock into a specific release
  source            = "git::https://github.com/terraform-ibm-modules/terraform-ibm-key-protect-all-inclusive.git?ref=main"
  key_protect_instance_name = "my-key-protect-instance"
  resource_group_id = "xxXXxxXXxXxXXXXxxXxxxXXXXxXXXXX"
  region            = "us-south"
  key_map           = {
    "example-key-ring-1" = ["example-key-1", "example-key-2"]
    "example-key-ring-2" = ["example-key-3", "example-key-4"]

Required IAM access policies

You need the following permissions to run this module.

  • Account Management
    • Resource Group service
      • Viewer platform access
  • IAM Services
    • Key Protect service
      • Editor platform access
      • Manager service access


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0.0, <1.6.0
ibm >= 1.58.0


Name Source Version
existing_key_ring_keys git::https://github.com/terraform-ibm-modules/terraform-ibm-key-protect-key.git v1.2.1
key_protect git::https://github.com/terraform-ibm-modules/terraform-ibm-key-protect.git v2.4.1
key_protect_key_rings git::https://github.com/terraform-ibm-modules/terraform-ibm-key-protect-key-ring.git v2.3.1
key_protect_keys git::https://github.com/terraform-ibm-modules/terraform-ibm-key-protect-key.git v1.2.1


No resources.


Name Description Type Default Required
access_tags A list of access tags to apply to the Key Protect instance created by the module. list(string) [] no
create_key_protect_instance A flag to control whether a Key Protect instance is created, defaults to true. bool true no
dual_auth_delete_enabled If set to true, Key Protect enables a dual authorization policy on the instance. Note: Once the dual authorization policy is set on the instance, it cannot be reverted. An instance with dual authorization policy enabled cannot be destroyed using Terraform. bool false no
enable_metrics Set to true to enable metrics on the Key Protect instance (ignored is value for 'existing_key_protect_instance_guid' is passed). In order to view metrics, you will need a Monitoring (Sysdig) instance that is located in the same region as the Key Protect instance. Once you provision the Monitoring instance, you will need to enable platform metrics. bool true no
existing_key_map Use this variable if you wish to create new keys inside already existing Key Ring(s). The map should contain the existing Key Ring name as the keys of the map, and a list of desired Key Protect Key names to create as the values for each existing Key Ring. map(list(string)) {} no
existing_key_protect_instance_guid The GUID of an existing Key Protect instance, required if 'var.create_key_protect_instance' is false. string null no
force_delete Allow keys to be force deleted, even if key is in use bool true no
force_delete_key_ring Set to true to force delete key ring or false if not bool true no
key_create_import_access_enabled If set to true, Key Protect enables a key create import access policy on the instance bool true no
key_create_import_access_settings Key create import access policy settings to configure if var.enable_key_create_import_access_policy is true. For more info see https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/key-protect?topic=key-protect-manage-keyCreateImportAccess
create_root_key = optional(bool, true)
create_standard_key = optional(bool, true)
import_root_key = optional(bool, true)
import_standard_key = optional(bool, true)
enforce_token = optional(bool, false)
{} no
key_endpoint_type The type of endpoint to be used for creating keys. Accepts 'public' or 'private' string "public" no
key_map Use this variable if you wish to create both a new key ring and new key. The map should contain the desired Key Ring name as the keys of the map, and a list of desired Key Protect Key names to create as the values for each Key Ring. map(list(string)) {} no
key_protect_endpoint_type The type of the service endpoints to be set for the Key Protect instance. Possible values are 'public', 'private', or 'public-and-private'. Ignored is value for 'existing_key_protect_instance_guid' is passed. string "public-and-private" no
key_protect_instance_name The name to give the Key Protect instance that will be provisioned by this module. Only used if 'create_key_protect_instance' is true string null no
key_protect_plan Plan for the Key Protect instance. Currently only 'tiered-pricing' is supported. Only used if 'create_key_protect_instance' is true string "tiered-pricing" no
key_ring_endpoint_type The type of endpoint to be used for creating key rings. Accepts 'public' or 'private' string "public" no
region The IBM Cloud region where all resources will be provisioned. string n/a yes
resource_group_id The name of the Resource Group to provision all resources in. string n/a yes
resource_tags Optional list of tags to be added to the Key Protect instance. Only used if 'create_key_protect_instance' is true. list(string) [] no
rotation_enabled If set to true, Key Protect enables a rotation policy on the Key Protect instance. bool true no
rotation_interval_month Specifies the key rotation time interval in months. Must be between 1 and 12 inclusive. number 1 no


Name Description
existing_key_ring_keys IDs of Keys created by the module in existing Key Rings
key_protect_guid Key Protect GUID
key_protect_id Key Protect service instance ID when an instance is created, otherwise null
key_protect_instance_policies Instance Polices of the Key Protect instance
key_protect_name Key Protect Name
key_rings IDs of new Key Rings created by the module
keys IDs of new Keys created by the module


You can report issues and request features for this module in GitHub issues in the module repo. See Report an issue or request a feature.

To set up your local development environment, see Local development setup in the project documentation.