
Creates a private certificates engine in a Secrets Manager instance

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Secrets Manager Private Certificates Secrets Engine module

Graduated (Supported) pre-commit latest release Renovate enabled semantic-release

This module configures a private certificates engine for a Secrets Manager instance. For more information about enabling Secrets Manager for private certificates, see Preparing to create private certificates.

The module handles the following components:

These components make up the private_cert secrets type. The module also signs the intermediate certificate authority (CA) when the engine is created.




module "private_secret_engine" {
  source                    = "terraform-ibm-modules/secrets-manager-private-cert-engine/ibm"
  version                   = "X.X.X" # Replace "X.X.X" with a release version to lock into a specific release
  secrets_manager_guid      = "<secrets_manager_instance_id>"
  region                    = "us-south"
  root_ca_name              = "My Root CA"
  root_ca_common_name       = "cloud.ibm.com"
  root_ca_max_ttl           = "8760h"
  intermediate_ca_name      = "My Intermediate CA"
  certificate_template_name = "My Certificate Template"

Required IAM access policies

You need the following permissions to run this module.

  • IAM Services
    • Secrets Manager service
      • Administrator platform access
      • Manager service access


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3.0
ibm >= 1.62.0, < 2.0.0


No modules.


Name Type
ibm_sm_private_certificate_configuration_intermediate_ca.intermediate_ca resource
ibm_sm_private_certificate_configuration_root_ca.private_certificate_root_ca resource
ibm_sm_private_certificate_configuration_template.certificate_template resource


Name Description Type Default Required
allowed_domains_template Optional, Allow the domains that are supplied in the allowed_domains field to contain access control list (ACL) templates bool false no
alt_names Optional, Alternate names for the certificate to be created list(string) null no
certificate_template_name Name of the Certificate Template to create for a private_cert secret engine string n/a yes
country Optional, Country (C) values to define in the subject field of the resulting certificate list(string) null no
endpoint_type The endpoint type to communicate with the provided secrets manager instance. Possible values are public or private string "public" no
exclude_cn_from_sans Optional, Set whether the common name is excluded from Subject Alternative Names (SANs). If set to true, the common name is not included in DNS or Email SANs if they apply bool false no
intermediate_ca_common_name Common name for the intermediate CA string "cloud.ibm.com" no
intermediate_ca_crl_disable crl_disable for the intermediate CA bool false no
intermediate_ca_crl_distribution_points_encoded crl_distribution_points_encoded flag for the intermediate CA bool true no
intermediate_ca_crl_expiry crl_expiry for the intermediate CA string "72h" no
intermediate_ca_issuing_certificates_urls_encoded issuing_certificates_urls_encoded flag for the intermediate CA bool true no
intermediate_ca_max_ttl for the intermediate CA string "26300h" no
intermediate_ca_name Name of the Intermediate CA to create for a private_cert secret engine string n/a yes
intermediate_ca_signing_method Optional, Signing method to use with this certificate authority to generate private certificates string "internal" no
ip_sans Optional, IP Subject Alternative Names (SANs) to define for the CA certificate, in a comma-delimited list string null no
key_type Optional, Type of private key to generate string "rsa" no
locality Optional, Locality (L) values to define in the subject field of the resulting certificate list(string) null no
organization Optional, Organization (O) values to define in the subject field of the resulting certificate list(string) null no
organizational_unit Optional, Organizational Unit (OU) values to define in the subject field of the resulting certificate list(string) null no
other_sans Optional, The custom Object Identifier (OID) or UTF8-string Subject Alternative Names (SANs) to define for the CA certificate. The alternative names must match the values that are specified in the 'allowed_other_sans' field in the associated certificate template list(string) null no
permitted_dns_domains Optional, Allowed DNS domains or subdomains for the certificates to be signed and issued by the CA certificate list(string) null no
postal_code Optional, Street Address values in the subject field of the resulting certificate list(string) null no
private_key_format Optional, Format of the generated private key string "der" no
province Optional, Province (ST) values to define in the subject field of the resulting certificate list(string) null no
region Region of the secrets manager instance string n/a yes
return_format Optional, Format of the returned data string "pem" no
root_ca_common_name Fully qualified domain name or host domain name for the certificate to be created string n/a yes
root_ca_crl_disable crl_disable flag for the root CA bool false no
root_ca_crl_distribution_points_encoded crl_distribution_points_encoded flag for the root CA bool true no
root_ca_crl_expiry Optional, Expiry time for root CA Certificate Revocation List (CRL) string null no
root_ca_issuing_certificates_urls_encoded issuing_certificates_urls_encoded flag for the root CA bool true no
root_ca_max_ttl Maximum TTL value for the root CA string n/a yes
root_ca_name Name of the Root CA to create for a private_cert secret engine string n/a yes
secrets_manager_guid GUID of secrets manager instance to create the secret engine in string n/a yes
street_address Optional, Street Address values in the subject field of the resulting certificate list(string) null no
tempalate_key_usage Optional, List of allowed key usage constraint to define for private certificates list(string)
template_allow_any_name Optional, Allow clients to request a private certificate that matches any common name bool true no
template_allow_bare_domains Optional, Allow clients to request private certificates that match the value of the actual domains on the final certificate bool false no
template_allow_glob_domains Optional, Allow glob patterns in the names that are specified in the allowed_domains field bool false no
template_allow_ip_sans Optional, Allow clients to request a private certificate with IP Subject Alternative Names bool true no
template_allow_subdomains Optional, Allow clients to request private certificates with common names (CN) that are subdomains of the CNs that are allowed by the other certificate template options bool false no
template_allowed_domains Optional, Domains to define for the certificate template list(string) [] no
template_allowed_other_sans Optional, The custom Object Identifier (OID) or UTF8-string Subject Alternative Names (SANs) to allow for private certificates list(string) [] no
template_allowed_secret_groups Optional, Allowed secrets group Ids as a comma-delimited list string null no
template_allowed_uri_sans Allowed URI SANs for the certificate template list(string)
template_basic_constraints_valid_for_non_ca Optional, Mark the Basic Constraints extension of an issued private certificate as valid for non-CA certificates bool false no
template_client_flag Optional, Set whether private certificates are flagged for client use bool true no
template_code_signing_flag Optional, Set whether private certificates are flagged for code signing use bool false no
template_email_protection_flag Optional, Set whether private certificates are flagged for email protection use bool false no
template_enforce_hostnames Optional, Set whether to enforce only valid host names for common names, DNS Subject Alternative Names, and the host section of email addresses bool true no
template_ext_key_usage Optional, List of allowed extended key usage constraint on private certificates list(string) [] no
template_ext_key_usage_oids Optional, List of extended key usage Object Identifiers (OIDs) list(string) [] no
template_max_ttl Max TTL for the certificate template string "8760h" no
template_policy_identifiers Optional, list of policy Object Identifiers (OIDs) list(string) [] no
template_require_common_name Optional, Set whether to require a common name to create a private certificate bool true no
template_serial_number Optional, Serial number to assign to the generated certificate string null no
template_server_flag Optional, Set whether private certificates are flagged for server use bool true no
template_use_csr_cn Optional, Set whether to use the common name (CN) from a certificate signing request (CSR) instead of the CN that's included in the data of the certificate bool true no
template_use_csr_sans Optional, Set whether to use the Subject Alternative Names(SANs) from a certificate signing request (CSR) instead of the SANs that are included in the data of the certificate bool true no
ttl Optional, Time-to-live (TTL) to assign to a private certificate string null no
uri_sans Optional, URI Subject Alternative Names (SANs) to define for the CA certificate, in a comma-delimited list string null no


No outputs.


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To set up your local development environment, see Local development setup in the project documentation.