
Creates a security group with the option to add rules for internal IBM Cloud flows

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

IBM Security Group for VPC module

Graduated (Supported) pre-commit latest release Renovate enabled semantic-release

This module supports most operations on security groups for VPC. For more information, see About security groups in the IBM Cloud Docs.

The module supports the following scenarios:

  • Create a security group in a VPC
  • Create security group rules for a new or existing security group
  • Create pre-defined security group rules to cover the range of IBM Cloud internal CIDRs for (service endpoints and IaaS endpoints)
  • Attach a security group to one or more existing targets in the VPC (for example, VSI network interface, VPC load balancer, Virtual Private Endpoint gateways, VPC VPN servers)

See the following examples section for code that illustrates these scenarios.




module "create_sgr_rule" {
  source                       = "terraform-ibm-modules/security-group/ibm"
  version                      = "latest" # Replace "latest" with a release version to lock into a specific release
  add_ibm_cloud_internal_rules = true
  security_group_name          = "test-sg"
  security_group_rules         = [{
    name      = "allow-all-inbound"
    direction = "inbound"
    remote    = ""
  target_ids                   = ["r006-37e5b107-3006-480b-a340-bb1951357a73"]

Required IAM access policies

You need the following permissions to run this module.

  • IAM services
    • VPC Infrastructure services
      • Editor platform access


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3
ibm >= 1.59.0, < 2.0.0


No modules.


Name Type
ibm_is_security_group.sg resource
ibm_is_security_group_rule.security_group_rule resource
ibm_is_security_group_target.sg_target resource
ibm_is_security_group.existing_sg data source


Name Description Type Default Required
access_tags A list of access management tags to attach to the security group. For more information, see working with tags list(string) [] no
add_ibm_cloud_internal_rules Add IBM cloud Internal rules to the provided security group rules bool false no
existing_security_group_id Id of an existing security group. Mutually exclusive with existing_security_group_name. If set, rules will be added to the specified security group. string null no
existing_security_group_name Name of an existing security group. Mutually exclusive with existing_security_group_id. If set, rules will be added to the specified security group. string null no
resource_group An existing resource group name to use for this example, if unset a new resource group will be created string null no
security_group_name Name of the security group to be created string "test-sg" no
security_group_rules A list of security group rules to be added to the default vpc security group
name = string
direction = optional(string, "inbound")
remote = string
tcp = optional(
port_max = optional(number)
port_min = optional(number)
udp = optional(
port_max = optional(number)
port_min = optional(number)
icmp = optional(
type = optional(number)
code = optional(number)
[] no
tags List of resource tags to apply to security group created by this module. list(string) [] no
target_ids (Optional) A list of target identifiers from the same VPC as the security group. It may contain one or more of the following identifiers: network interface, application load balancer, endpoint gateway, and VPN server list(string) [] no
use_existing_security_group If set, the modules modifies the specified existing_security_group_name. bool false no
use_existing_security_group_id If set, the modules modifies the specified existing_security_group_id. bool false no
vpc_id ID of the VPC to create security group. Only required if 'existing_security_group_name' is null string null no


Name Description
security_group_id The ID of the security group where the rules are added. NOTE: This value will not be available until rules are applied, and it cannot be referenced as a remote for a rule variable for the same module block. If you need this value to use in a rule you are supplying, please use the security_group_id_for_ref output instead.
security_group_id_for_ref The ID of the security group which can be used as remote reference in rules. NOTE: This value will be available as soon as the security group is created, and before rules are applied, which means it can be referenced as a remote in the rules input variable itself. If you require that all rules are applied first, please use the security_group_id output instead.
security_group_rule Security group rules
security_target Resources added to the security group


You can report issues and request features for this module in GitHub issues in the module repo. See Report an issue or request a feature.

To set up your local development environment, see Local development setup in the project documentation.