
Create Trusted profile on IBM Cloud

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Terraform IBM Trusted Profile

Stable (With quality checks) latest release pre-commit Renovate enabled semantic-release

This module creates a trusted profile, a set of policies given to the profile, a set of claim rules for the profile, and a set of infrastructure links to the profile.




module "trusted_profile {
  source                      = "terraform-ibm-modules/trusted-profile/ibm"
  version                     = "X.X.X" # Replace "X.X.X" with a release version to lock into a specific release
  trusted_profile_name        = "example-profile"
  trusted_profile_description = "Example Trusted Profile"

  trusted_profile_policies = [{
    roles = ["Reader", "Viewer"]
    resources = [{
      service           = "kms"

  trusted_profile_claim_rules = [{
    conditions = [{
      claim    = "Group"
      operator = "CONTAINS"
      value    = "\"Admin\""

    type    = "Profile-CR"
    cr_type = "VSI"

  trusted_profile_links = [{
    cr_type = "VSI"
    links = [{
      crn = ibm_is_instance.vsi.crn # Existing Infrastructure CRN

Using the variables

The 3 variables trusted_profile_policies, trusted_profile_claim_rules, and trusted_profile_links are lists of objects whose fields are mapped out to match the arguments for the provider, for more information on the variables visit the following provider documentation:

Required IAM access policies

You need the following permissions to run this module.

  • Account Management
    • IAM Identity service
      • Administrator platform access

You will also need Administrator access for any service which you are creating a policy for in the trusted profile. Lastly, your account must have authentication from an external identity provider enabled; see this documentation for more information.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3.0
ibm >= 1.53.0, < 2.0.0


No modules.


Name Type
ibm_iam_trusted_profile.profile resource
ibm_iam_trusted_profile_claim_rule.claim_rule resource
ibm_iam_trusted_profile_link.link resource
ibm_iam_trusted_profile_policy.policy resource


Name Description Type Default Required
trusted_profile_claim_rules A list of Trusted Profile Claim Rule objects that are applied to the Trusted Profile created by the module.
# required arguments
conditions = list(object({
claim = string
operator = string
value = string

type = string

# optional arguments
cr_type = optional(string)
expiration = optional(number)
name = optional(string)
realm_name = optional(string)
null no
trusted_profile_description Description of the trusted profile. string null no
trusted_profile_links A list of Trusted Profile Link objects that are applied to the Trusted Profile created by the module.
# required arguments
cr_type = string
links = list(object({
crn = string
namespace = optional(string)
name = optional(string)

# optional arguments
name = optional(string)
null no
trusted_profile_name Name of the trusted profile. string n/a yes
trusted_profile_policies A list of Trusted Profile Policy objects that are applied to the Trusted Profile created by the module.
roles = list(string)
account_management = optional(bool)
description = optional(string)

resources = optional(list(object({
service = optional(string)
service_type = optional(string)
resource_instance_id = optional(string)
region = optional(string)
resource_type = optional(string)
resource = optional(string)
resource_group_id = optional(string)
service_group_id = optional(string)
attributes = optional(map(any))
})), null)

resource_attributes = optional(list(object({
name = string
value = string
operator = optional(string)

resource_tags = optional(list(object({
name = string
value = string
operator = optional(string)

rule_conditions = optional(list(object({
key = string
operator = string
value = list(any)

rule_operator = optional(string)
pattern = optional(string)
n/a yes


Name Description
trusted_profile Output of the Trusted Profile
trusted_profile_claim_rules Output of the Trusted Profile Claim Rules
trusted_profile_links Output of the Trusted Profile Links
trusted_profile_policies Output of the Trusted Profile Policies


You can report issues and request features for this module in GitHub issues in the module repo. See Report an issue or request a feature.

To set up your local development environment, see Local development setup in the project documentation.