Here's the gist of using it via github.
module tiller {
source = ""
namespace = "helm"
name = "tiller"
service_namespaces = ["helm", "tiller", "dev", "stage"]
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
automount_service_account_token | Enable automatin mounting of the service account token | bool | "true" |
no |
component | Component name | string | "helm" |
no |
name | Generic name | string | "tiller" |
no |
namespace | Namespace to where deploy tiller | string | n/a | yes |
service_namespaces | The ServiceAccounts to grant permissions to. Example ['helm'] | list(string) | n/a | yes |
tiller_image | Tiller Docker image | string | "" |
no |
tiller_max_history | Tiller history to contain | string | "200" |
no |
tiller_replicas | Amound of replicas to deploy | string | "1" |
no |
tiller_service_type | Type of Tiller's Kubernetes service object. | string | "ClusterIP" |
no |
tiller_version | Tiller version | string | "v2.14.2" |
no |
Name | Description |
service_account | a service account |
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kubectl get serviceaccount <name> -o yaml
kubectl get clusterrolebinding <name> -o yaml
kubectl get deploy <name> -o yaml