
Terraform module which creates UHost instance(s) on UCloud

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UCloud UHost Instance Terraform module

Terraform module which creates UHost instance(s) on UCloud (required Terraform 0.12.).

These types of resources are supported:


# Create uhost instance attached with eip and cloud disk
module "uhost_instance" {
   source  = "terraform-ucloud-modules/uhost-instance/ucloud"
   version = "1.0.0"
   # uhost instance
   instance_count    = 2
   availability_zone = "cn-bj2-05"
   image_id          = "uimage-ohveag"
   instance_type     = "n-standard-2"
   password          = "ucloud_2019"
   instance_name     = "example-complete-instance"
   boot_disk_type    = "cloud_ssd"
   tag               = "example-complete"

   # eip
   eip_count_per_instance = 1
   eip_internet_type      = "bgp"
   eip_charge_mode        = "bandwidth"
   eip_name               = "example-complete-eip"
   # disk
   disk_count_per_instance = 1
   disk_size               = 30
   disk_type               = "ssd_data_disk"
   disk_name               = "example-complete-disk"



Name Description Type Default Required
password The password of instance string - yes
availability_zone Available zone where instance and other resources are located. string - yes
image_id ID of image to use for instances. string - yes
instance_type The type of instance to launch. string - yes
count_format Number format to use for output. string "%02d" no
instance_count Number of instances to launch. string "1" no
instance_name Name to be used on instances as prefix. string "TF-UHost-Instance" no
charge_type The charge type of instance and other related resources. Possible values: year, month, dynamic. string "month" no
duration The duration of purchase of the instance and other related resources string "1" no
boot_disk_type The type of system disk. Possible values: local_normal, local_ssd, cloud_normal, cloud_ssd. string "local_normal" no
local_disk_size The size of local data disk string "0" no
local_disk_type The type of local data disk. Possible values: local_normal, local_ssd. string "local_normal" no
tag The tag of instance and other related resources string "" no
security_group ID of security group to use for instances. If not set, the default security group will be used. string "" no
isolation_group ID of isolation group to use for instances. string "" no
vpc_id The VPC linked to the instance string "" no
subnet_id The Subnet linked to the instance string "" no
disk_count_per_instance Number of disks attach to per instance. string "0" no
disk_name Name to be used on disks as prefix string "TF-Disk" no
disk_size The size of cloud data disk. string "30" no
disk_type The type of cloud data disk. Possible values: data_disk, ssd_data_disk. string "data_disk" no
eip_count_per_instance Number of eips assiocate to per instance. string "0" no
eip_name Name to be used on eips as prefix string "TF-EIP" no
eip_bandwidth Maximum bandwidth to the elastic public network, measured in Mbps. string "1" no
eip_internet_type The type of eip routes. Possible values: international, bgp. string "bgp" no
eip_charge_mode The charge mode of eip. Possible values: traffic, bandwidth. string "bandwidth" no


Name Description
instance_ids List of IDs of instances
eip_ids List of IDs of eips
public_ips List of public IP addresses assigned to the instances, if applicable
disk_ids List of IDs of disks
instance_id List of IDs of instances


Module managed by mingsheng.su.
