
A repository for sharing opensource GeoPrism Registry language translations.

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


A repository for sharing opensource GeoPrism Registry language translations.


Folder Convention

Folders must be named with the following convention:

The USA english example is en_US.

File Schema Convention

Localization files must follow the standards of the localization files exported from a GeoPrism Registry instance. When creating a new localization file it is highly recommended to start by exporting a localization file from the GeoPrism Registry instance the effort is intended for.

See the GeoPrism Registry documentation for more details.

File Naming Convention

Localization files must be named with the following convention:

  • "localization-" followed by the language and country identifiers (same as containing folder) followed by "GPRv" and the GeoPrism Registry version the file is targeting followed by any additional necessary identifiers (optional).

The USA english example is localization-en_US-GPRv1.0.0.xlsx.