- 0
- 0
- 0
Finish Jaccard scorer
#102 opened by AlexMikhalev - 0
Finish TFIDF
#101 opened by AlexMikhalev - 0
Finish BM25 scorer
#100 opened by AlexMikhalev - 0
- 0
Add autostart to Tauri desktop app
#96 opened by AlexMikhalev - 0
[UI] For roles with configured knowledge graph enable autocompete in search
#95 opened by AlexMikhalev - 1
- 1
Autocomplete for Knowledge graph roles
#58 opened by AlexMikhalev - 1
- 1
Add default scorer to default role
#57 opened by AlexMikhalev - 1
- 1
[CI] For tauri publish release pipeline to work it shall have up to date ./dist in terraphim_server
#63 opened by AlexMikhalev - 0
Create Tauri signing and publishing pipeline
#91 opened by AlexMikhalev - 2
Create pipeline for a release
#40 opened by AlexMikhalev - 2
Amend for terraphim_server to trigger rebuild and copy via script
#51 opened by AlexMikhalev - 1
- 1
- 1
Move logseq parser into Terraphim AI
#21 opened by AlexMikhalev - 1
- 1
Create article index works differently when called from Axum server and from ripgrep middleware
#39 opened by AlexMikhalev - 3
Refactor ArticleCached into separate struct
#45 opened by AlexMikhalev - 0
- 0
- 0
Update tauri github CI to new release
#14 opened by AlexMikhalev - 0
Update tauri ./desktop to mimic axum server create_article index and search API
#24 opened by AlexMikhalev - 0
- 0
Add memoization to index
#20 opened by AlexMikhalev - 0
Integration with Atomic Server on Backend for Config: save config into atomic server for redundancy using opendal
#11 opened by AlexMikhalev - 0
Integration with Atomic Server on backend: Save article search cache into atomic server
#12 opened by AlexMikhalev - 0
Update firecracker vm deployment
#10 opened by AlexMikhalev - 0