
Let's make RayTracer!!!!

Primary LanguageC++

Ray Tracing

I study Ray Tracing and write Ray Tracer by C++ now.
This repositry is aimed that I complete Ray Tracer and test many techiques.
I refference "Ray Tracing from the ground up" so my code is influenced by this book.
This ray Tracer generate beautiful image.
I collect many images. If you look at only result, you search in the Image directory.


I write many new techniques in MyTracer Directory.
If you want to try something, you use this directory's code.

How to Display

There are many methods to display,
for example output file .bpm, .png, use API DirectX,OpenGL etc.
I adopt DX library, which is wrapped DirectX.
If you run my code, you should download DX library.
DX library link


DX Library Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Takumi Yamada.

Implement Techniques


  • AreaLights
  • RayCast
  • Whitted
  • PathTrace
  • GlobalTrace

Sampling Techniques

  • Regular Sampling
  • Random Sampling
  • Jittered Sampling
  • N-Rooks Sampling
  • Multi-Jittered Sampling
  • Hammersley Sampling

Convert samplihng method

  • square -> disk (Shirley's concentric map)
  • square -> hemispehre


  • Orthographic Camera
  • Pinhole Camera
  • ThinLens Camera
  • FishEye Projection Camera
  • Spherical Panoramic Projection Camera
  • Stereo Camera


  • Lambertian Reflection
  • Glossy Specular
    • [Lewis 1994]
    • [Blinn 1977]
  • Perfect Specular
  • Fresnel Reflector
  • Texture Lambertian Reflection
  • microfaset Specular
    • [Lagarde, Rousiers 2014]
    • Beckmann


  • PerfectTransmitter
  • FresnelTransmitter


  • Ambient Light
  • Directional Light
  • Point Light
  • Ambient Occuluder
  • Area Light
  • Environment Light


  • Matte
  • Phong
  • Cook Torrance
  • Plastic
  • Emissive
  • Reflective
  • MicrofasetReflective
  • GlossyReflector
  • Transparent
  • Dielectric
  • Texture Matte

Foundation Objects

  • Geometric object
    use to make primitive object.
  • Compound
    use to combine many Geometric objects or Compound Objects.
  • Instance
    use to transform object(affine transform)
  • Mesh
    use to manage vertexes for mesh triangle
  • Mesh Triangle
    use to make mesh Triangles for smooth shading or flat shading


  • Bounding Box
  • Beveled Cylinder
  • Box
  • ConcaveSphere
  • Disk
  • OpenCylinder
  • PartSphere
  • Plane
  • Rectangle
  • SolidCylinder
  • Sphere
  • Torus
  • Triangle
  • Smooth Triangle (for smooth shading)
  • Flat Mesh Triangle
  • Smooth Mesh Triangle
  • Flat UV Mesh Triangle
  • Smooth UV Mesh Triangle

Acceleration Scheme

  • Grid
    It's Regular Grids.

File Format

  • .ply
    in grid, .ply can be read.
    warning: you must '\n' for a new line, not '\r'.


  • Constant Color
  • Image Texture
  • Checker3D
  • PlaneChecker(Checker2D for plane)
  • FBm Texture
  • Ramp FBm Texture
  • Wrapped FBm Texture


  • Rectangler Mapping
  • Cylinderical Mapping
  • Spherical Mapping
  • Light Probe Mapping

Noise Generation

  • Cubic function
  • Linear function