
MANY-MANY relation management for Yii framework

Primary LanguagePHP


MANY-MANY relation management for Yii framework

#How to use this behavior

Firstly suppose you have classes Book, Author and BookAuthor. BookAuthor is map-table (many-many) for relation Book <-> Author.

Add alias "terrasoff-map-relation"

Yii::setPathOfAlias('terrasoff-map-relation', Yii::getPathOfAlias('vendor').'/terrasoff/yii/map-relations');

For example, u could add it to your config file.

Add interface and behaviors to your model

class Book extends CActiveRecord implements MapRelatedInterface
	public function behaviors() {
		return array(
			'RelationBehavior' => array(
				'class' => 'terrasoff-map-relation.MapRelationBehavior',
			'activerecord-relation-behavior' => array(
				'class' => 'vendor.yiiext.activerecord-relation-behavior.EActiveRecordRelationBehavior'

Create controller


class MyController extends MapRelatedController

	public $ownerClass = 'Book';
	public $relatedClass = 'Author';


View related models

To view existed relations we could simply use "list" view. Also you could delete relation using this view. For example in CDetailView:

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array(
	'data'=>$model, // Book
			'label' => 'authors',
			'value'=>function($model) {
				return $this->renderPartial('terrasoff-map-relation.views.list', array(
)); ?>

Add new relation

To add new relation we simply navigate to MyController/add:

<a href="<?= Yii::app()->createUrl('MyController/add', array('id'=>$model->primaryKey)) ?>">Add</a>