Qno is a solution to eliminate queues in the food industry and beyond. In a typical food store setting, there are two queues, namely the ordering and the collection queue. We aim to eliminate the latter by appifying the coaster pagers which are the buzzing-square blocks often used by stores such as Debonaires to alert that the food is ready. We aim to free users from standing around the collection counter awaiting their order. Our solution aims to reduce the real estate costs of future food outlet owners by allowing reduction of space around the counter that is currently required to account for the collection queue.
- Rubin Ally (linkedin.com/in/rubin-ally-370b88184)
- James Watters (linkedin.com/in/jamescwatters)
- Nathan Garces (linkedin.com/in/nathan-garces)
- Daniel Nuttall (linkedin.com/in/daniel-nuttall-za)
- Terri Lee (linkedin.com/in/terri-lee-685676138)