
Flutter package for controlling overlay components such as in-app notification, toast, and snack bar.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

A package for controlling overlay components such as in-app notification, toast, and snack bar.


In App Notification
Snack Bar
in_app_notification.gif snack_bar.gif toast.gif
  • Support all platforms(Implemented only with dart)
  • Provide several types of overlays
    • in-app notification
    • toast
    • snack bar
  • Various overlay control features
    • set display priority
    • show
    • close
    • close all
    • queued
    • clear queue
    • dismissible
  • Easily customizable
    • animation
    • duration
    • shadow
    • vibration
    • color
    • etc

Hot to use

Add package in pubspec.yaml file.

  nice_overlay: ^latest_version

Import package in your dart file.

import 'package:nice_overlay/nice_overlay.dart';

Create navigator key and call NiceOverlay.init().

GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigatorKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();

Set MaterialApp's navigatorKey property by navigatorKey we created.

    navigatorKey: navigatorKey,
    // ...

Call NiceOverlay's show method.

// These examples are just very simple examples.
// There are more properties for customizing.
// Please check the Properties part to see other properties!

// in-app notification
        title: const Text('In app notification'),
        body: const Text('What a nice in app notification!'),

// snack bar
        message: Text('What a nice snack bar!'),
        action: GestureDetector(
            onTap: NiceOverlay.closeSnackBar,
            child: const Text('close'),

// toast
        message: const Text('What a nice toast!'),



name type
title Widget?
body Widget?
onTap void Function()?
leading Widget?
trailing Widget?
vibrate bool
displayDuration Duration
minimumDisplayDuration Duration
dismissDirection DismissDirection
isDismissible bool
showingAnimationCurve Curve
showingAnimationDuration Duration
closingAnimationCurve Curve
closingAnimationDuration Duration
backgroundColor Color
boxShadows List
borderRadius BorderRadius
padding EdgeInsets
margin EdgeInsets


name type
message Widget?
action Widget?
vibrate bool
displayDuration Duration
minimumDisplayDuration Duration
isDismissible bool
showingAnimationCurve Curve
showingAnimationDuration Duration
closingAnimationCurve Curve
closingAnimationDuration Duration
backgroundColor Color
boxShadows List
borderRadius BorderRadius
padding EdgeInsets
margin EdgeInsets
niceSnackBarPosition NiceSnackBarPosition
useSafeArea bool


name type
message Widget?
onTap void Function()?
vibrate bool
displayDuration Duration
minimumDisplayDuration Duration
dismissDirection DismissDirection
isDismissible bool
showingAnimationCurve Curve
showingAnimationDuration Duration
closingAnimationCurve Curve
closingAnimationDuration Duration
backgroundColor Color
boxShadows List
borderRadius BorderRadius
padding EdgeInsets
margin EdgeInsets
niceToastPosition NiceToastPosition