Primary LanguagePython


Dataset and scripts for our paper.


Automatic the state-of-art tool ideviceinstaller and frida-dump for comparison.

Dynamic analysis/MobileSubstrate Tweak/binddetours:

Dynamic analysis module for analyzing the network service in iOS app on the fly.

Dynamic analysis/top 1300 analysis result:

Result of dynamic analysis for top 1300 apps.

Static analysis/IDAPython:

IDA plugins, static analysis module for building call hierarchy and object reference graph.

Static analysis/test case:

Objective-C peculiarities, including Blocks, Category, Delegate, etc.

Data analysis/tablesheetandgraph_library_raw_data.py:

Query for official/thrid-party network serivce provider library in our iOS app collection.

Data analysis/lib_dist:

Static analysis result of network service library in iOS app.

Data analysis/call stack analysis/

Weighted edit distance script based on result of dynamic analysis result.


Static script for analyzing the third-party network service library GCDWebServer.


A survey on iOS app obfuscation.

PoC (Prove of Concept)

Script for attacking waze, qqbrowser, now, etc.

Our dataflow analyzer includes:

  1. We mitigate original framework to Ubuntu.
  2. We supplement the new ARM instructions to the LLVM based disassembler module Dagger. Moreover, as the IR of a moderate app will always consume gigabytes of memory, some instructions are simplified to shrink the memory usage, such as removing vector, float-point operations.
  3. We model complex objects (eg, NSDictionary) and perform analysis on them.
  4. We convert inter-procedural data-flow analysis to on-demand inter-procedural since the inter-procedural analysis always takes days to analyze a moderate binary. We only analyze the function enclosing the reference to the expected class object name or method name of a third-party library.

Access the framework via: https://github.com/pwnzen-mobile