
An open citizen observatories repository on GitHub, to be used to develop SWE profiles for COBWEB and its sibling projects

Primary LanguageWeb Ontology Language


swe4citizenscience is an open citizen observatories repository on GitHub, to be used to develop best practices on how to use OGC specifications for citizen observatories.

For furhter information, please go to the wiki. If you want to know why wo do this, you best start with the rational page. The use cases are described on the use cases page. If you already know all this, you may want to start with the details around the observation model.

swe4citizenscience is an initiative started by the 5 EU sponsored Citizen Observatory projects (CITI-SENSE, WeSenseIt, COBWEB, Citclops, OMNISCIENTIS). These projects have received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreements no 308524, 308429, 308513, 308469, 308427 respectively.

OGC Europe is a member of the COBWEB consortium, that is leading this swe4citizenscience initiative.

Upcoming meetings:

Citizens Observatories Ad hoc at the OGC meeting in Nottingham 15 September 2015, 08:00 until 12:00.