GPU Accelerated TensorFlow Lite applications on Android NDK. Higher accuracy face detection, Age and gender estimation, Human pose estimation, Artistic style transfer
- aitikguptaIndian Institute of Information Technology & Management
- antranappWorld
- AsynctaskCoffee@daresaydigital
- bongmoSK Telecom
- chimerakangtaiwan
- csq20081052
- davidwong18Beijing China
- fatihodunc
- fireicefox
- h3clikejava
- hlwhl@alibaba
- itsmeterada
- iwatake2222
- JackieYelich
- JuheonYi
- kanatmg
- kuronekodaisukiLunatic Systems
- leocvml
- liao00
- liuchen8899
- make-j64NCS Group
- matarof
- MinyusShopee Singapore
- Mr-doooogAlibaba Group
- natsutanPasonatech, inc
- NjemStar
- ohari5336Ohari5336
- oneandelevenfri
- osama-raddadNavico
- PINTO0309CyberAgent, Inc.
- rhythm92Japan
- soham24
- takekawa
- thorikawacuriosity, Inc.
- westwei-source
- windviki