UFlex is dedicated to simplify and and extend Editor GUI,makes your edior code easier and managable.If you happened to be a flash coder,you will find UFlex is a protable framework refrence to Adobe Flex.
This framework is highly inspired by the Flexlite frawework project
- When EidtorGuiLayout cannot fit what you need,And You cannot full controll Layout.For example you want to keep a button on the bottom of the Editor Window..
- You have to save the gui value yourself.For example IntSlider(int value, int leftValue, int rightValue). You have to keep value,leftValue,rightValue witch is annoying.
- Unity Editor doesn't provide List and Tree Component and You want them
- Component/Entity framwork/Add Child/DisplayObject List
- Customizable Layout
- Event driven
- You don't have to keep Value yoursef
- Complex Component like Tree and List are provided and Easy use
- Auto Layout System,Horizontal,Vertical and Grid