
Repository of queries for Blackboard database administrators.

Welcome to the Blackboard Database Query Repository

The Respository is currently being built. Thank you for your patience.

Self Hosted

Queries for Self Hosted (SH) environments.

Access the SH Repository

Managed Hosted

Queries for Managed Hosted (MH) enviroments with Open DB access.

Access the MH Repository


Queries for SaaS enviroments with Direct Data Access (DDA).

Access the SaaS Repository

Blackboard Data

Repository of queries for Blackbaord Data, hosted by Blackboard.

Access the Blackboard Data Query Repository


The Blackboard Database Query Repository is an organic project to help share resources among Blackboard Administrators. As resources are found, they will be listed here.

Create a Pull Request to contribute content to the Repository.

Query Formats:

1. Add new queries to the folder for the specific deployment. 
2. Include a short summary of what the query pulls and how it is presented. 
   (i.e. --Searches for certain Course Roles. Displays Course Role, Username and Course ID.)
3. Indicate if the query is specific to any service pack or version.
4. Include your name or reference the develper on your query (optional).
5. Do not include any personal institution informaiton, such as Usernames or ID's. 
   Use placeholders when needed (i.e. [insert role_id] )