An iOS manager for presenting system-wide notifications via a dropdown message bar.
- 0
- 0
Messages go above navigation bar (iOS 14)
#106 opened by alexrainman - 2
- 0
Banner hidden by iPhone X notch
#104 opened by reefwing - 3
Dismiss via swipe
#81 opened by mayooresan - 0
Carthage Support
#100 opened by kelvin-lima - 0
Customize TWMessageView numerics
#98 opened by ValentinKuznetsov - 1
Issue - Alert bellow status bar in iOS 9/10
#97 opened by bizibizi - 6
callback block not executed
#96 opened by dfeng99 - 1
- 4
#93 opened by gask - 0
Allow to setup windowLevel
#92 opened by asfdfdfd - 1
Some change to your project.
#91 opened by Dimajp - 2
Swift Project
#90 opened by UtkuDalmaz - 1
- 1
description not align icon
#89 opened by burning-git - 0
Display problem using device like hotspot
#62 opened by ismaelgobernado - 1
Swift support?
#87 opened by James-Parsons - 3
Status bar orientation
#33 opened by likentong - 0
Status bar style and visibility not restored
#64 opened by setoff - 1
Text is vertically not centered
#82 opened by sunilsharma08 - 12
iOS 8 landscape orientation issue
#59 opened by ivanharmat - 6
#80 opened by KBLNY - 4
Add vector files for images
#77 opened - 1
Turn png images to code using PaintCode
#78 opened - 2
Use blur for background?
#75 opened - 1
please update your cocoapods
#74 opened by KatkayApps - 2
Implicit conversion from enumeration type 'UIInterfaceOrientation' (aka 'enum UIInterfaceOrientation') to different enumeration type 'UIDeviceOrientation' (aka 'enum UIDeviceOrientation')
#71 opened by ecnepsnai - 7
- 1
Deprecation Warnings
#57 opened by robmontesinos - 1
A way to hide a specific view
#69 opened by mergesort - 1
Use of [UIApplication sharedApplication]
#68 opened by mergesort - 1
feature request: dismissable
#61 opened by mournblade - 9
managing push notification payload
#58 opened by wdcurry - 1
How can I disable rotation mess ego to landscape?
#54 opened by bizibizi - 1
can I display message above status bar on IOS 6
#55 opened by neufeng - 3
Provide font customization options
#48 opened by orschaef - 0
Add custom title and description color
#53 opened by terryworona - 4
deprecated methods
#50 opened by bizibizi - 2
Reveal option for prefersStatusBarHidden
#45 opened by Leandros - 2
StatusBar doesn't get hidden again after showing
#43 opened by Leandros - 2
StatusBar persists after showing
#44 opened by Leandros - 1
- 1
- 5
MessageBar doesn't appear if app has no status bar.
#35 opened by hlung - 3
Rendering glitch / disappearing message bar
#34 opened by bobspryn - 0
Add accessibility to the TWMessageBarManager
#31 opened by JanenePappas - 2
Not showing messages in one project
#27 opened by ssalatic - 1
Multi-Line problem with iOS SDK 7.1
#26 opened by FreshApps - 1
Callback exception
#21 opened by mariosm