Solidity Programming Course

These are the exercise files used for Ethereum Smart Contract Programming with Solidity and Web3 course.

The course outline can be found in

Topic 1 Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Smart Contract and Token Economics

  • Introduction of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
  • Use Cases of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
  • Introduction to Smart Contract and Non Fungible Token (NFT)
  • Use Cases of Smart Contract and NFT

Topic 2 Ethereum Blockchain and Solidity Programming

  • Overview of Ethereum DApp Platform
  • Create Smart Contract using Solidity Programming
  • Solidity Coding Syntax
  • Best Practices on Solidity Coding

Topic 3 Smart Contract Testing

  • Test Smart Contract and Monitor Outputs
  • Manage Ether and Gas Fee
  • Monitor Ethereum Blockchain Transactions

Topic 4 Smart Contract Deployment

  • Deploy Smart Contract
  • Token Standards