
How to use

  • This repository supposes to use CircleCI and build is managed by latexmk.
  • When the repository is updated, CircleCI checks whether it can be built successfully.
  • When the repository is tagged by x.x.x, CircleCI builds a directory and upload ${TARGET_DIR}_${CIRCLE_TAG}.pdf (ex. test1-en_0.0.14.pdf for test1-en directory and tag 0.0.14) in the Release page.

How to configure CircleCI

Environment variables

  • TARGET_DIR: CircleCI try to run latexmk main in papers/${TARGET_DIR}.
  • GITHUB_TOKEN: The personal access token to the GitHub repository. [see detail]

Job description


cd papers/${TARGET_DIR}
latexmk main


cd /root/project/papers/${TARGET_DIR}
cp main.pdf ${TARGET_DIR}_${CIRCLE_TAG}.pdf


  • To skip CI, add [ci skip] in the commit message.