
Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains an implementation of the boids artificial life program developed by Craig Reynolds in 1986.



The application depends on GLib-2.0 and the GTK+-3.0 toolkit. Once the development packages of these libraries are installed, just type make.

Boids Behavior


The boids obey to 3 main rules:

  • Avoidance: A boid avoids its very close neighbors
  • Alignment: A boid aligns with its neighbors
  • Cohesion: Boids tend to aggregate together

You can enable / disable rules by with their corresponding check-boxes.

There is also a rule that defines the boid field of view dead-angle. It's the angle in the back of a boid in which it cannot see its neighbors.


You can add obstacles by clicking in the field. Use Ctrl+Click on an obstacle to remove it.

You can also add walls with the corresponding checkbox.