- 0
ZTE MF833U1 not working
#38 opened by fboulegue - 1
Full screen is not full screen
#23 opened by GtHbbrr - 3
Removal of the ability to disable Hotspot kills ability to use a 3rd party router
#24 opened by dmayo305 - 2
- 1
- 25
- 1
USB appears to stop working from time to time. The LTE modem and CarPlay adapter will stop responding. Sometimes it will come back on its own, other times I need to power cycle the pi.
#33 opened by GreggersUK - 6
sound not working
#18 opened by smdx2 - 0
usb_modeswitch not working for Iphone
#29 opened by pvanaken - 1
#25 opened by klipper-vp - 3
- 0
- 1
Check USB thumb drives on the CM4 bundle
#14 opened by mikegapinski - 2
Unable to boot off USB
#8 opened by lotech - 1
Virtual display start crashes the graphics subsystem when the HDMI display is connected
#2 opened by mikegapinski - 0