- 1
- 2
Remove MavenBundlePluginConfigurator as this conflicts with incremental support added in maven-bundle-plugin 3.2.0
#31 opened by kwin - 3
- 0
- 1
- 0
Tycho connector throws IllegalArgumentException for non-tycho projects during Updating Maven Project
#11 opened by eliasvasylenko - 8
Jdt debugger does not find sources when Tycho Project Configurators is installed
#32 opened by LorenzoBettini - 1
Backport #28
#34 opened by apupier - 2
Create 0.8.x branch
#33 opened by apupier - 1
- 0
ConcurrentModificationException at (...) org.sonatype.tycho.m2e.internal.PDEClasspathContributor
#27 opened by vorburger - 3
Support for extraClasspathElements
#15 opened by tcalmant - 2
Eclipse Mars support
#26 opened by renataogarcia - 5
- 17
Regression: IllegalArgumentException configuring project that uses tycho and bundle plugins
#4 opened by martiell - 0
- 3
Deploy m2e 1.2.0 compatible version
#6 opened by rombert - 1
Tycho dependency problem
#23 opened by obulisundar - 1
- 2
Please add
#21 opened by vogella - 4
- 1
Using Scala in eclipse-test-plugin
#14 opened by satyagraha - 4
RAD 8.5.5 cannot install Tycho configurator
#13 opened by domveit - 0
Error log fails to show exception
#10 opened by griswolf - 0
- 0
- 7
- 2
Does not support Embed-Dependency
#2 opened by kompiro - 1
Rebuild manifest when bnd instructions change in the pom (or in included bnd files)
#3 opened by ifedorenko