Express Routing Lab

Node.js, Express

Assignment: "Build a recipe storage application. It should let you create new recipes, get a recipe by id,

get all recipes, update a recipe by id, and delete a recipe by id."


Missing Tests

There are some missing tests. Determine any gaps in test coverage and fill in the gaps (focus on missing route tests).

Add ingredients

Our model is incomplete. In order to provide a better user experience our recipes should include the ingredients needed for a recipes. Add an ingredients field, which is an array of subdocuments with amount, measurement ('teaspoon', 'tablespoon', 'cup', 'ounce', 'grams'), and name.

Refactor to use Router

To help promote cleaner code, refactor your routes into a lib/routes/recipes file. Use and export an express.Router.

Add a second model

Add an Attempt model which tracks when you used a recipe. An Attempt has: recipeId, dateOfEvent, notes, and rating. Create all CRUD routes for your Attempt model