Music Lyrics lab

React (Hooks API, custom hooks, React Router), HTML, CSS, Jest, Enzyme, 3rd party RESTful APIs

Assignment: Build an app where users can "search for artists by name.



  • Create a search view to search for artists by name
    • Search should display a list of matching artists
    • Use<SEARCH>&fmt=json&limit=25
    • Allow paging through artists
    • BONUS: As you type into the input box update a searchTermquery string. Navigating directly to a URL with a searchTerm query string pre-fills the search form.
  • Create an artist view which list all releases by an artist
    • Use<ARTIST_ID>&fmt=json
    • Get cover art from<RELEASE_ID>/front
    • Only some releases have cover art. Display a placeholder if no cover art.
    • Allow paging through releases
    • Bonus: Make the page part of a query string
  • Create a release view which displays a list of recordings for a release
    • Use<RELEASE_ID>&fmt=json
  • Create a song view which displays the lyrics of a song
    • Use<ARTIST>/<TITLE> to get lyrics


  • Snapshot testing
  • Enzyme testing"