
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mongo Schemas Lab

Mongoose, MongoDB, Node.js, Express

Assignment: "... use Jest to test a Validator class and a Schema class of MongoDB

USE TDD Practices

  1. Validator class
  2. Schema class


The Validator class is used to validate and cast a single field in an object.

const nameValidator = new Validator('name', {
  type: String,
  required: true

const ageValidator = new Validator('age', {
  type: String,
  required: true

const colorValidator = new Validator('color', {
  type: String,
  required: true

const dog = {
  name: 'spot',
  age: '5',
  weight: '20 lbs'

nameValidator.validate(dog) // returns 'spot'
age.validate(dog) // returns 5
colorValidator.validate(dog) // throws error


  • Test that validate method can take an object and return a fields value
  • Test that validate method can take an object and throw an error
  • Test all permutations:
    • required and field missing
    • required and field there but wrong type
    • required and field there and right type
    • not required and field missing
    • not required and field there but wrong type
    • not required and field there and right type


  • Validator is initialize with two parameters: field and configuration
    • use your getCaster method from yesterdays lab to get the correct castTo* function based on type from the configuration parameter passed in
  • Validator has a validate method that takes an object to validate
    • make sure the field is there if it is required
    • use the castTo* function to cast the field


The Schema class is used to validate and cast an entire object.

const schema = new Schema({
  dog: {
    type: String,
    required: true
  age: {
    type: Number,
    required: true
  weight: {
    type: String

const spot = {
  name: 'spot',
  age: 5,
  weight: '20 lbs'

const rover = {
  name: 'rover',
  age: '10'

const who = {
  age: 'hi'

schema.validate(spot) // returns { name: 'spot', age: 5, weight: '20 lbs' }
schema.validate(rover) // returns { name: 'rover', age: 10 };'
schema.validate(who) // throws a errors about name being required and age not being a number


Don't retest functionality already tested by your Validator tests

  • Test that validate method returns the object with all fields cast
  • Test that validate method throws an error if the object doesn't follow the schema


  • Schema is initialized with an object defining a schema (schemaDefinition)
    • use the object to create an array of Validators for each key/value in schemaDefinition and store the array in this.validators Schema has a validate method that takes an object
    • invoke the validate method for each Validator in this.validate"