Youtube Video Summary


A small web app that provides a short summary of any YouTube video. The logic is the following:

  1. Fetch captions from YouTube video
  2. Ask ChatGPT to provide the summary of the video by provided captions

The results are cached (in-memory, expiration duration is configurable).
HTML page is embedded to the binary file, so the whole app is a single file

The service can be easily deployed to with flyctl deploy command. The app variable in fly.toml has to be updated accordingly There is a rate limiter (by default 3 requests per minute).

Environment variables

Mandatory variables

  1. OPENAI_KEY - the OpenAI key that is used by ChatGPT

Optional variables

  • MAX_VIDEO_DURATION_MINUTES - the maximum video length (in minutes). Default value is 20. It's required to avoid sending long videos to ChatGPT, because it might be costly
  • CACHE_EXPIRATION_HOURS - how long to store data in cache. Default value is 12 hours
  • REQUEST_PER_MINUTE_RATE - maximum requests per minute per IP Address. Default value is 3

The app is accessible on