
A Loggly library for ClojureScript

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Client-side (browser) logger to use with Loggly gen2. It is meant to provide capabilities similar to and compatible with Loggly's loggly-jslogger library.


Add the following to your project.clj file:

Clojars Project

Quick Start

(ns my-project.core
  (:require [loggly.core :as loggly]))

(loggly/set-config! {:key "my-customer-token"})

(loggly/log "some log message")
(loggly/log {:key :value})

Configuration Options

There are several configuration options available to control the behavior of the tracker. They are as follows:

Key Description
:key Required. The customer token provided by Loggly.
:protocol The protocol used to send messages. May be :http or :https. Defaults to current window.location.protocol.
:tag The tag applied to messages when sending them to Loggly. A comma-separated string containing tag names (e.g. "tag1,tag2"). The tag may be overriden on a per-message level; see the document for log. Defaults to "jslogger" to be compatible with the loggly-jslogger library.
:use-domain-proxy? A boolean that indicates whether the tracker should use the host domain as a proxy. Defaults to false.
:proxy-route The route on the host domain to which messages should be posted. Defaults to /loggly.
:collector-domain The domain used to collect messages. Defaults to logs-01.loggly.com.
:session-key The name of the cookie used to store the session ID. Defaults to logglytrackingsession to be compatible with the loggly-jslogger library.
:session-id A UUID string that identifies the current session. If provided, the ID is stored in the cookie specified by session-key. If not provided, an attempt is made to recover the session ID from the cookie. If not found, a new UUID string is used and stored in the cookie.
:handler The function that should be run upon a message being sent successfully. Defaults to a no-op.
:error-hander The function that should be run upon failure to send a message. The function must accept the message and the HTTP error as parameters. Defaults to println.

Per-Message Tagging

When configuring the tracker, you may set a tag (or list of tags) to be applied to all messages by providing a comma-delimited string (e.g., tag1,tag2).

You may wish to override this behavior and specify tags to be applied to an individual message. Overriding tags may be applied to map messages by using the :loggly/tag keyword. A message of {:text "my message"} will use the tag specified on the tracker (default: 'jslogger'), but a message of {:text "my message" :loggly/tag "tag1,tag2"} will have both tag1 and tag2 applied to it in Loggly.

Multiple Trackers

In some cases, you may wish to log to many trackers. In this case, you only need to create a tracker and log to it directly. An example is provided below. The configuration and logging options match those in the global case.

(ns my-project.core
  (:require [loggly.tracker :as t]))

(def t1 (t/tracker {:key "my-first-key"}))
(def t2 (t/tracker {:key "my-other-key"}))

(t/log t1 "some message")
(t/log t2 "other message")


Copyright © 2016 Thomas C. Taylor

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.