
ORM between cypher-based graph databases (neo4j) and javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Cypherize is an OGM which connects a Cypher-based database (Neo4j) to a JS application. Cypherize is intended to be familiar to those who have used Sequelize.


  • Neo4j must be installed


  1. Install Neo4j
  2. Create a database in Neo4j, noting what password you use at setup.
  3. Copy secrets_example.js and rename your copy to secrets.js. Add the password for your database to the appropriate spot.
  4. npm install
  5. Run tests (npm test) and ensure they pass.
  6. You should be ready to go!


  • TESTED (works to the best of my knowledge)
  • UNTESTED (may or may not work- don't use)

Low level

  • We can connect to the database and use the methods in connection.js and nodes.js to...
    • add node
    • find nodes
    • update nodes
    • delete node
    • add connection
    • find connections
    • update connections
    • delete connection

Higher level

  • We can define models which have a name and fields
  • These models have methods...
    • Model.create(options)
    • Model.findAll(options)
    • Model.findOne(options)
    • Model.delete(options)
    • model.setProperty(options)

Caveats and warnings

  • Key names for properties on a node/connection set using Cypherize must adhere to the following rules
    • Alphanumeric and underscore are the only characters allowed (Any other characters will be stripped)