Create a Organization Chart application using React.
- The user should be prompted to write Company Name the first time it access the application.
- The user should have a form to add the CEO of the company.
- The user should have options to add one or more subordinates to each employee starting by the CEO.
- When deciding to add a subordinates a form should appear to ask the user for the person name.
- Optional: The whole Organization Chart should be stored in localStorage and reused when the user access the application again.
- Optional: Ask for the employee title inside the application.
- Optional: Create a select with all the possible titles and use it to highlight employees with the selected title.
- It must use semantic HTML
- It must use React
- It must be Responsive
- It must use CSS in JS
- It must have tests
- It must pass with green the Accessibility tests of the Chrome Audits
- It must pass with green the Best Practices tests of the Chrome Audits
- It must pass with green the SEO tests of the Chrome Audits
- Carlos Ayala
- Mayra Navarro
- Deyvi Conde
- Ricardo Yrupailla
- Diego Cuevas
npm install
yarn install
npm run test
yarn test
In case of message error, this command might be required:
echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p
npm start
yarn start
id: number,
name: string,
position: string,
parent: number,
children: [number, number, ...],
- id: unique number that identifies the collaborator,
- name: user's input, collaborator's name,
- position: user's input, collaborator's position,
- parent: id that identifies the inmediate parent,
- children: array that gathers the children