Rollup gas optimizations for multiinvoker

Rationale: Because rollup gas is mostly determined by calldata size/makeup and multiinvoker is the main entry point for user calls to the protocol, we would want to optimize the entry of these functions as much as possible rather than leaving it the same as on L1s

1) Protecting logic

  • instead of altering the core codebase, we can inherit the base Multiinvoker and have calls enter a fallback with highly packed calldata (only change would be to make action fns internal instead of private)
contract MultiInvokerRollup is MultiInvoker {
    fallback(bytes calldata input) external {}

  • if lack of upgradeability is a concern for stuff like address cache max size (see #4 ) we can treat MultiInvokerRollup as a proxy instead

2) Replacing invoke(Invocation[] calldata invocations)

  • the fallback function does the multicall job of the invoke, so it would be redundant to use over calling the action fns directly

  • the fallback would have the same loop as invoke, but 1) the calldata would be tightly packed by the caller / frontend and 2) custom decoding fns would be used instead of abi.decode

3) Scope of decoding

  • currently the multiinvoker has 4 types of calldata values present across the 12 different actions present

    1. (address, product, uint)
    2. (product, uint)
    3. (address, uint)
    4. (product, packed uint[])
  • the individual encoding / decoding for each arg type would go as follows

    3.1) user addr caching

      - if a user is cached on chain in this contract, then the calldata will contain a packed uint key for the value (address) stored, otherwise the address can be passed as well to include a new user in the cache

    3.2) product addr caching

      - same as above but for product addresses

    3.3) uint256 (UFixed18)

      - encode/decode a uint packed to the smallest # of bytes it can fit, not a 32 bytes uint256

    3.4) uint256[] (UFixed18[])

      - same as above with a more tightly packed encoding/decoding of array elements than evm standard

Example optimization

  1. Unoptimized payload (- leading zeros before fn sig): 0xf7978936 + {1, 0x0000000000000000000000007fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e149600000000000000000000000004fb26775a0e1c4d62cf1ac8aaae1d0094fc22050000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004563918244f40000}

  2. Optimized payload, first interaction setting cache: 0x00007fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e14960004fb26775a0e1c4d62cf1ac8aaae1d0094fc2205134563918244f40000

  3. optimized payload with cache: 0x0001010101134563918244f40000