
proposal for rari capital fuse docs improvement

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Example documentation for a fuse pool lens function


Gets users and their data in a fuse pool under a given account health

fERC20 / FEther

getPoolUsersWithData(address Comptroller, uint256 maxHealth) returns (tuple[], uint256, uint256)
  • Comptroller: Pool to parse
  • maxHealth: Maximum account health to parse for
  • RETURN: [ FusePoolUser[], closeFactor, liquidationIncentive ]
    (FYI: return values will link to their definitions in docs. All return values will be documented at the top as some are complex and many are repeated often in the functions)


fusePoolLens lens = fusePoolLens(0xABCD...);

poolUsers usrs = lens.getPoolUsersWithData(0xEFGH..., 101010101010101010);

Web3 1.0

const lens = new Web3.eth.Contract(FUSE_POOL_LENS_ABI, 0xABCD...);

const usrs = await lens.methods.getPoolUsersWithData(0xEFGH..., 101010101010101010);

(Example of currrent documentation for fuse from the rari docs)