
Example Mocha + Puppeteer test for an OpenFin application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

OpenFin testing with Puppeteer

An example project for testing an OpenFin application with Puppeteer. This should work across Windows, Mac, and Linux and is also compatible with execution on Testable.

Prerequisites to run locally

  1. Install the latest Node.js and npm
  2. git clone this repository and change into the directory
  3. Run npm install to install all dependencies.
  4. For Mac/Linux, install openfin-cli: npm install -g openfin-cli.

Running locally

From the project directory run: ./node_modules/.bin/mocha --timeout 60000 test.local.js

And that's it. The test will launch openfin as the chromium instance and run all tests found in the test.js spec.

Running on Testable

To run this on Testable simply zip up this directory and upload it into a Puppeteer Testable scenario, or connect it via a VCS link. Testable takes care of launching OpenFin for you as part of launching Puppeteer by passing the channel: 'openfin:[app-config-file]' argument (e.g. { channel: 'openfin:app_sample.json' }).

See test.testable.js for the Testable example.