
Protect your discord server from hackers and bad staff!!.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Protect You Server With ZDRA-Protection!!. npm init -y && npm i node@latest

πŸ“œ Requirements.

  1. Make Your own discord bot from here
  2. Make sure you have Git, VS Code, nodejs in yur pc (this is only required if you using computer)

πŸš€ Getting Started.

If your using repl.it you can fork the project from here and If you using glitch you can remix from here

but if you using your computer, follow this steps!

  1. Make a new folder name it any thing
  2. Press right click and chose git bash here
  3. Then he well open a cmd for you type this command inside: git clone https://github.com/DevelopersSupportAR/ZDRA-Protection.git

Well done you forked the project in your pc πŸ‘

  1. Find a folder called config and open the bot.json file (make sure if you using computer to open this file with VS Code)
  2. You will this [fill them]:
    "activity": {
        "name": "<The Bot Activity>", 
        "type": "<The Bot Acctivity Type>"
    "status": "<The Bot Status",

    "mainPrefix": "<Main Prefix>",
    "mainLang": "<Main Lang ['ar', 'en'] (the better lang is en)>",

    "mainAdmin": "<ID Of The Main Admin That Will Add More Admins From Commands>"
  1. Then install your packages if you using repl.it just press Run and it will install the packages for you but if you using glitch this website is auto run and install your packages but if you using your computer, open any cmd and go inside the bot source folder and type npm install

  2. if you using glitch or replit the bot have to be run successfully but if you using you computer type npm start in the same cmd you opened form installing packages

πŸŒ€ Support

Make sure if have any problem in this bot soo fell free to join Developer Support

✨ Made By

@ニロ#3121 @【H2】Cyber#1111