
Shell script that outputs `$ENV2FILE_CONTENT` variable to the file `$ENV2FILE_TO`.

Primary LanguageShell


A vanilla shell script that outputs the content of $ENV2FILE_CONTENT variable to the file specified in $ENV2FILE_TO.

If both $ENV2FILE_CONTENT and $ENV2FILE_TO are empty, nothing will be done.

Use arg -v or --verbose, or environment variable ENV2FILE_VERBOSE=1 to show logs of env2file.

Use arg -n or --no-clobber, or environment variable ENV2FILE_NOCLOBBER=1 to not overwrite an existing file.

Note that $ENV2FILE_CONTENT can be unset or empty to write an empty file.


# Write a single line without EOL
ENV2FILE_CONTENT=0.14.0-rc1 ENV2FILE_TO=.terraform-version ./env2file

# Write multiple lines
ENV2FILE_CONTENT=$'[rebase]\n\tautoStash = true\n' ENV2FILE_TO=~/.gitconfig ./env2file

# Create an empty file in a not yet created directory
ENV2FILE_TO=build/.gitkeep ./env2file

# Do nothing and be verbose.
./env2file -v

# Write file only if it's not existent
ENV2FILE_CONTENT=-L ENV2FILE_TO=~/.curlrc ./env2file --no-clobber