
jOOQ code generator using Testcontainers

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The testcontainers-jooq-codegen-maven-plugin simplifies the jOOQ code generation by using Testcontainers and applying database migrations.

Build Maven Central


  • Plugin migration and code generation might be skipped using skip property
  • If you need to reuse existing database connection - take a look at Jooq section

Database Configuration

To configure a target database, you need to specify at least database type property.


Parameter Required Default value Description
type yes Database implementation one of: POSTGRES MYSQL MARIADB
containerImage Provided from database type,usually latest version from official container Image of used container if not default picked
username Provided from database container if not specified Database username for container
password Provided from database container if not specified Database password for container
databaseName Provided from database container if not specified Database name for container

database block configuration


Migration tools:


Flyway works the same way as the original plugin
Please find original documentation by link https://flywaydb.org/documentation/usage/maven/


At runtime default configuration files will be autoloaded as it documented - https://flywaydb.org/documentation/configuration/configfile
Currently, the plugin supports all properties existing in Flyway
You can find them by original link
Now config files parameter is not implemented yet, but you can use config file at default location ${baseDir}/flyway.conf

flyway block configuration

  • Zero configuration with defaults
  • Adding properties


Liquibase's configuration works the same way as the original maven plugin, with some limitations
Please find documentation by link https://docs.liquibase.com/tools-integrations/maven/using-liquibase-and-maven-pom-file.html


Now supports only the most useful properties

Property type default
changeLogPath String if changeLogDirectory is provided - db.changelog-root.xml, otherwise - src/main/resources/db/changelog/db.changelog-root.xml
changeLogDirectory String projectBaseDir
parameters Map
defaultSchemaName String
liquibaseSchemaName String
databaseChangeLogTableName String
databaseChangeLogLockTableName String

Reference to Liquibase properties - https://docs.liquibase.com/concepts/connections/creating-config-properties.html

liquibase block configuration

  • Zero configuration with defaults
  • Adding properties



generator - property to configure JOOQ code generation settings. See https://www.jooq.org/doc/latest/manual/code-generation/codegen-configuration for all the supporting configuration properties.
configurationFiles / configurationFile - are not implemented yet
jdbc - If it has all the necessary JDBC parameters (URL, name, password), it will use the existing database, and no container will be spun up.
baseDir - directory relative to which generated sources will be generated , {project.basedir} - default

jooq block configuration


Plugin dependencies configuration



Complete example

Example with PostgreSQL and minimal configuration with Flyway and JOOQ


More examples

MariaDB + Flyway
MySQL + Flyway
Postgres + Flyway
Postgres + Liquibase

Try with example application

$ cd examples/postgres-flyway-example
$ mvn clean package

The JOOQ code should be generated under example/target/generated-sources/jooq folder.


This plugin is heavily based on official https://github.com/jOOQ/jOOQ/tree/main/jOOQ-codegen-maven.