A library for integration-testing against docker containers from within Rust.
- 11
Single container start for whole integration test file
#707 opened by Tockra - 7
Reuse containers
#742 opened by tisonkun - 0
- 9
WaitFor command exit with 0
#702 opened by tisonkun - 6
Abrupt shutdown not properly handled
#727 opened by feelingsonice - 3
- 2
Support `testcontainers/ryuk` as resource reaper
#577 opened by DDtKey - 3
- 27
"failed to pull the image" error
#731 opened by amab8901 - 5
example usage for DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG
#728 opened by amab8901 - 1
Using Local Images
#729 opened by amab8901 - 1
[Feature request]: add capabiltities support
#578 opened by stormshield-gt - 3
- 3
Not all logs are captured when a container is dropped
#719 opened by inahga - 1
Support for passing platform
#718 opened by poplexity - 1
Missing feature for pausing containers
#715 opened by KShivendu - 1
- 10
Cutting out a new release
#711 opened by stormshield-gt - 0
Add User-Agent with value `tc-rust/<version>`
#576 opened by DDtKey - 3
Put HttpWaitStrategy behind a feature flag
#704 opened by rukai - 2
Support customize CMD for GenericImage
#701 opened by tisonkun - 3
Specify host port of exposed port.
#697 opened by VladasZ - 3
How to wait for container to finish running?
#676 opened by KShivendu - 0
- 2
Support `rustls`
#671 opened by FalkWoldmann - 4
Is there an alternative to the withInitScript method as in the Java implementation?
#669 opened by oscles - 0
Introduce HTTP wait strategy
#648 opened by DDtKey - 4
Equivalent to TestContainers.exposeHostPorts?
#535 opened by hovinen - 3
RFC: add fallible result-based API
#606 opened by DDtKey - 2
- 5
- 12
Feature Request: Exec must return a struct that contains exit code, stdout, stderr
#617 opened by Warchant - 5
- 0
Docker auth configuration
#607 opened by DDtKey - 0
Refactor volumes / mounts API
#582 opened by DDtKey - 1
Problem mounting volumes after revamp
#580 opened by ns-sjorgedeaguiar - 2
Can we let Docker choose a port?
#560 opened by rotivleal - 1
Project revamp
#563 opened by eddumelendez - 3
Feature: Retries due to periodic failure of underlying `docker` commands (ex. `rm`)?
#538 opened by t3hmrman - 1
Hyperlinks in the documentation are broken.
#564 opened by your-diary - 3
How to get container host ip?
#559 opened by Warchant - 1
- 1
Support overriding "command" for Image
#554 opened by Warchant - 1
- 1
Container::exec wait conditions are applied to logs from run command instead from exec command
#553 opened by zvolin - 1
- 1
Allow changing the container command
#540 opened by alejandrodnm - 1
Stop containers when tests are killed
#537 opened by mahor1221 - 3
Concurrency issue: Connection reset by peer
#533 opened by bewee-i - 9
Supports running image with `--user` option.
#517 opened by liurenjie1024