
TestRay is a Ruby gem used to run YAML-based automation test pipelines and uses Selenium and Appium for UI interactions

Primary LanguageRuby

TestRay Logo


TestRay is a Ruby gem used to run YAML-based automation tests, using Selenium and Appium. While originally compatible only with Android, in its current iteration it can also automate iOS, web, Windows and Mac applications - and with multi-platform support!


  1. Installation
  2. TestRay Examples
  3. Configuration and Steps
  4. Usage
  5. Writing Steps
  6. Creating Config File for Apps and Devices
  7. Create Test Case
  8. Vars
  9. Roles
  10. Action Types


TestRay has been tested to work on both Mac (Intel/M1) and Windows.

One way to install the framework is by creating a Gemfile with the following content and then running bundle install:

gem "testray", :git => "https://github.com/testdevlab/TestRay.git"

then you can use bundle install --binstubs to generate a bin folder with the testray exec and execute it like:

./bin/testray -h

Another way to install master is to download this project and use rake install

See here for full installation instructions.

If you do not need the full YAML test suite alongside TestRay, and have set up the prerequisites, you can install TestRay on its own like so:

rake install

TestRay Examples

There is a folder examples that contains different use cases for TestRay. The basic one, with most of the possible roles and cases is under examples/tests folder. In order to execute this tests you can either download this folder into your project as a template, or directly clone TestRay Project and navigate to the folder:

cd examples/tests
testray execute TestAssertsGreaterError

In this previous example we are executing TestAssertsGreaterError case which is under examples/tests/cases/case_asserts.yaml. More about the folder extructure, configuration and steps in the next section.

Configuration and Steps

For most actions, TestRay will require a config file. This should exist as cases/config.yaml, relative to your current working directory.

Executing tests further requires test files, which should also be placed in the aforementioned cases folder.

It is not advised to use the cases folder of TestRay itself, since that folder is meant for tests to validate TestRay functionality.


Run testray help to see available commands. Help can also be called for each command to see available options.

Specifically for execution: To execute a test case called MyTestCase, run testray execute MyTestCase.

Writing Steps

Template for step file:

    - Type: <type>          
      Role: <role>
      Strategy: <locator_strategy>
      Id: <element_id>
        - Value: <case>
        - ContinueOnFail: <boolean>
    - Type: <type>

app is app which has it's app package and activity in config
type can be click|press|get_attribute|set_attribute|remove_attribute|wait_for|swipe_up|swipe_coord|send_keys|swipe|clear_field (and many more)
role which role executes given step (roles are defined for each device in config)
strategy is appium locator strategy like accessibility_id|id|xpath ...
id is locator for the given strategy

FailCase can be specified for a step. This will be executed if RuntimeError was encountered while executing step
case is the name of test case that will be executed
boolean value can be true|false which will determine if test execution will continue after failcase execution

One step file includes all needed apps.

Creating Config File for Apps and Devices

Adding Apps configuration:

    Package: com.some.App
    Activity: com.some.App.auth.StartScreenActivity
    Download: https://apkpure.com/someApp-SomeApp/com.some.App
    iOSBundle: com.some.SomeApp
    WinPath: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs\SomeApp\SomeApp.exe
    UWPAppName: SOMEAPP.1234567890ABC_defghijklmnop!App
    MacAppName: com.someapp

This will add all the necessary capabilities to run on iOS, MacOS, Windows and Android

Adding Test Device Configuration:

Selenium Browser (Two roles defined with the same capabilities - desktop1 and desktop2)

  - role: desktop1,desktop2
          profile.default_content_setting_values.notifications: 2
          - use-fake-ui-for-media-stream
          - use-fake-device-for-media-stream
          - no-sandbox
          - use-file-for-fake-audio-capture=/home/testdevlab/silence.wav
          - use-file-for-fake-video-capture=/home/testdevlab/video_720.y4m
          - --headless
    browser: chrome

Android Browser

  - role: localMobileBrowser
    platform: Android
          - use-fake-ui-for-media-stream
          - use-fake-device-for-media-stream
          - use-file-for-fake-audio-capture=/home/testdevlab/silence.wav
          - no-sandbox

Android App

  - role: androidTest
    platform: Android

iOS App/Browser

  - role: mobileiOS
    platform: iOS


  - role: macLocal
    platform: Mac
  - role: localWindows
    platform: Windows

Create Test Case

All the test cases need to be in YAML files called case_*.yaml (case_example.yaml), and placed in the cases folder in your working directory.

  ParallelRoles: true
    SOME_VAR: value
  - Role: androidTest
    App: SomeApp
  - Role: desktop1
          - use-file-for-fake-audio-capture=/home/testdevlab/audio.wav
          - use-file-for-fake-video-capture=/home/testdevlab/video.y4m
    App: desktop
  - Role: command1
    App: command
    - Type: case
      Value: MyTestDesktopChromeStart
    - Type: sync
    - Type: case
      Value: MyTestJoinAndroidAppDeepLink

  ParallelRoles: true
    - Role: desktop1
      App: desktop
  - Type: navigate
    Value: https://www.SomeApp.com/login/
  - Type: maximize
  - Type: click
    Strategy: xpath
      - Value: 5
        Operation: visible
        Result: true
    Id: //button[text()="Accept Cookies"]
  - Type: send_keys
    Value: $AND_CLI_SOME_VAR$
    Strategy: id
    Id: email

  ParallelRoles: true
    - Role: androidTest
      App: SomeApp
  - Type: navigate
    Role: $AND_CLI_USER$
    Value: https://someapp.com/$AND_CLI_LINK$
  - Type: click
    Role: $AND_CLI_USER$
    Strategy: uiautomator
    Id: descriptionContains("JOIN CALL")

Here we can see that Roles need to be defined for every case, which the roles that will be used for each of them. You can call cases within cases like:

    - Type: case
      Value: CaseName

We can start now with the Basics of TestRay Cases:


Vars are used to share information among cases or define some specific values that are repeated, so in case you need to change them, you can do it from a single point. Also, all the vars are ENV vars, which means they can be accessed from anywhere.

You can assign values for vars in two ways:

  1. directly - at the start of a case/set, or under a specific action/case
  SOME_VAR: value
  1. grepping the returned value of some action:
- Type: get_attribute
  Strategy: xpath
  Id: //input[contains(@value, "http")]
    - var: SOME_VAR
      attr: value
      condition: nempty
      remove: msngr.com/
      match: "msngr.com(.*)"

You can then access the vars from anywhere by using the wrapper $AND_CLI_SOME_VAR$

The order in which the vars and environments are loaded is shown in this image:

Variable Order


Roles are ALWAYS defined at the begining of the cases. You have to write always the name of the role (which is defined first in config.yaml file) and the application that will run:

    - Role: androidTest
      App: SomeApp

Action Types


  1. click
  2. send_keys
  3. wait_for
  4. navigate
  5. get_url
  6. get_text
  7. get_attribute
  8. context
  9. get_current_context
  10. get_contexts
  11. get_source
  12. set_network
  13. scroll_to
  14. screenshot
  15. wait_for_attribute
  16. visible_for
  17. visible_for_not_raise
  18. wait_for_page_to_load
  19. collection_visible_for
  20. wait_not_visible
  21. execute_script

Only Browser

  1. clear_field
  2. set_attribute
  3. remove_attribute
  4. switch_window
  5. switch_frame
  6. maximize
  7. minimize
  8. submit
  9. click_js
  10. add_cookie

Only Mobile

  1. set_orientation
  2. close_app
  3. launch_app
  4. terminate_app
  5. start_record/end_record
  6. tap_by_coord
  7. press
  8. click_and_hold
  9. swipe_up/swipe_down
  10. scroll_until_element_visible
  11. swipe_on_element
  12. swipe_elements
  13. swipe_coord
  14. click_coord
  15. clipboard
  16. handle_ios_alert
  17. notifications
  18. back
  19. update_settings


  1. get_call
  2. post_call

Not Selenium/Appium

  1. command
  2. write_file
  3. get_timestamp
  4. set_env_var
  5. sleep
  6. assert
  7. sync
  8. operation

This is not a type but can be used in different Types as a Validation for the action to happen: Condition

  1. Conditions



- Type: click
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/...
  Id: //some/path
  NoRaise: false/true (Default - false -> will rise error on fail)

Strategy and Id can also be provided as lists, in which case the framework will click whichever element it finds first. Both of these lists (Strategy/Id) must have the same size (number of elements):

- Type: click
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  	- id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/... (First Strategy goes with the First Id)
	- id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/... (Second Strategy goes with the Second Id)
  	- //some/path
	- //some/path2
  NoRaise: false/true (Default - false -> will rise error on fail)

By default, the click action will be executed on the element midpoint (width * 0.5, height * 0.5), but it is possible to add offsets. These can be either absolute (in pixels) or relative (in fractions of the element width/height). While the values are not bound by the element dimensions, if using relative offsets, the [-0.5..0.5] range will cover the entire element width/height.

- Type: click
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/...
  Id: //some/path
  OffsetX: 50 (Translates to (0.5 * width) + 50)
  OffsetY: -25 (Translates to (0.5 * height) - 25)
  NoRaise: false/true (Default - false -> will rise error on fail)

- Type: click
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/...
  Id: //some/path
  OffsetFractionX: 0.4 (Translates to 0.5 + 0.4 = 0.9 * width)
  OffsetFractionY: -0.2 (Translates to 0.5 - 0.2 = 0.3 * height)
  NoRaise: false/true (Default - false -> will rise error on fail)

If an offset is needed only on one axis, the parameter for the other axis can be omitted. Additionally, mixing absolute and relative offsets within the same action is allowed, but if both offset types are provided for the same axis, the absolute offset takes precedence.

You can also add conditions, in which case the click action will be executed depending on the condition to be fulfilled:

- Type: click
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/...
  Id: //some/path
	- Value: 5 (Time in seconds)
		Operation: visible
		Result: true
  NoRaise: false/true (Default - false -> will rise error on fail)

Check Conditions section for more information.


- Type: send_keys
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/...
  Id: //some/path
  Value: text to send
  NoRaise: false/true (Default - false -> will rise error on fail)

You can also set different Strategies and Ids as in the click Type, and also you can set Conditions.


- Type: wait_for
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/...
  Id: //some/path
  NoRaise: false/true (Default - false -> will rise error on fail)

You can also set different Strategies and Ids as in the click Type, and also you can set Conditions.


- Type: navigate
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Value: https://google.com


- Type: get_url
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
	- var: SOME_VAR
	  condition: nempty (Optional)
	  remove: google.com/ (Optional)
	  match: "google.com(.*)"

Greps explained in command Type


- Type: get_text
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/predicate
  Id: //div[contains(text(), "http")]
    - Value: 3
      Operation: visible
      Result: true
    - var: LINK
      condition: nempty
      remove: google.com/
      match: "google.com(.*)"
  NoRaise: false/true (Default - false -> will rise error on fail)

You can also set different Strategies and Ids as in the click Type. Greps explained in command Type and Condition explained in Conditions Section.


- Type: get_attribute
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/predicate
  Id: //div[contains(text(), "http")]
      - Value: 3
        Operation: visible
        Result: true
  - var: SOME_VAR
    attr: value (Mandatory)
    condition: nempty (Optional)
    remove: google.com/ (Optional)
    match: "google.com(.*)"
    NoRaise: false/true (Default - false -> will rise error on fail)

You can also set different Strategies and Ids as in the click Type. Greps explained in command Type and Condition explained in Conditions Section.


- Type: context
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Value: context


- Type: get_current_context
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  - var: SOME_VAR
    attr: value (Mandatory)
    condition: nempty (Optional)
    remove: "" (Optional)
    match: "(.*)"


Prints all the available contexts

- Type: get_contexts
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)


Gets the page source from the web or mobile app and writes it in ./page_source.xml

- Type: get_source
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)


- Type: set_network
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Condition: {offline: false, latency: 5, download_throughput: 2000, upload_throughput: 2000}


It uses JavaScript to do the scroll within a webpage by using the injection of this method: arguments[0].scrollIntoView(#{options});. For it to work, you need to specify an element, and there is an optional Options value, which will default to true.

- Type: scroll_to
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/predicate
  Id: //div[contains(text(), "http")]
  Options: true (optional)


Takes a screenshot of the Role device in use. You can specify to take screenshots in an interval, for a specific period of time (Optional). You can specify wether to use the same file name or use timestamps Overwrite.

- Type: screenshot
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
    For: 10
    Every: 1
  Overwrite: False


- Type: wait_for_attribute
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/predicate
  Id: //div[contains(text(), "http")]
  Attribute: Name
  Value: Some_Name


- Type: visible_for
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/predicate
  Id: //div[contains(text(), "http")]
  Time: 10


- Type: wait_for_page_to_load
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Time: 10


- Type: collection_visible_for
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
    - Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/predicate
      Id: //div[contains(text(), "http")]
      Time: 10
    - Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/predicate
      Id: //div[contains(text(), "http")]
      Time: 10


Waits until the element specified is not visible.

- Type: wait_not_visible
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/predicate
  Id: //div[contains(text(), "http")]
  Time: 10


Executes a specific script. For Selenium, the script value can be raw JavaScript, while for Appium, this can be the name of a defined driver script. Parameters can also be provided as an optional value.

Example for Selenium (set a console property):

- Type: execute_script
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Value: window.localStorage.logLevel = '0'

Example for Appium (launch Chrome on Android)

- Type: execute_script
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Value: "mobile: launchApp"
  Params: { appId: com.android.chrome }

Only Browser


- Type: clear_field
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/...
  Id: //some/path
  NoRaise: false/true (Default - false -> will rise error on fail)


- Type: set_attribute
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/... 
  Id: //some/path 
  Attribute: value
  Value: something
  NoRaise: false/true (Default - false -> will rise error on fail)


- Type: remove_attribute
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/... 
  Id: //some/path 
  Attribute: value
  Value: something
  NoRaise: false/true (Default - false -> will rise error on fail)


Switches to the provided window index.

- Type: switch_window
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Value: 2 # (It is a number, and it will check if that window number exists)
  CheckTime: 10 # (For how long it will check that the windows exist)


- Type: switch_frame
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: css (Only if Value isn't declared)
  Id: "[name='iFrameName']" (Only if Value isn't declared)
  Value: Iframe_ID (Only if Strategy and Id aren't declared)


Maximizes the current window.

- Type: maximize
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Width: 1000 (Optional)
  Height: 1000 (Optional)


Minimizes the current window.

- Type: minimize
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)


It only works with forms on web pages, so make sure to point to the form element

- Type: submit
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/...
  Id: //some/path
	- Value: 5 (Time in seconds)
		Operation: visible
		Result: true
  NoRaise: false/true (Default - false -> will rise error on fail)


It is a different way to click on an element, but it uses Javascript interface.

- Type: click_js
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/...
  Id: //some/path
	- Value: 5 (Time in seconds)
		Operation: visible
		Result: true
  NoRaise: false/true (Default - false -> will rise error on fail)


It adds a cookie to the current browser.

- Type: add_cookie
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Name: cookie_name
  Value: Value

Only Mobile

set_orientation (Mobile)

- Type: set_orientation
  Role: role1
  Value: landscape/portrait

close_app (Mobile)

Closes the app and leaves it running in the background.

- Type: close_app
  Role: role1

launch_app (Mobile)

- Type: launch_app
  Role: role1
  Value: com.android.vending (Android app package / iOS bundle ID)


- Type: terminate_app
  Role: role1
  Value: com.apple.Preferences (Android app package / iOS bundle ID)

start_record/end_record (Mobile)

- Type: start_record
  Bitrate: 3000000 (Recording Bitrate - optional - Android)
  Resolution: 1200x900 (Optional - Android)
  FPS: 30 (Optional - iOS)
  Video_Type: h264 (Optional - iOS)
  Video_Quality: medium (Optional - iOS)
  Role: role1
  Time: "180" (Timeout - optional)

You must use end_record after this previous method.

- Type: end_record
  Value: video.mp4
  Height: $AND_CLI_SCREEN_HEIGHT$ (Optional - crops the height to the specified value)
  Width: $AND_CLI_SCREEN_WIDTH$ (Optional - crops the width to the specified value)
  Role: role1

tap_by_coord (Works the same as click)

It works the same as click, but it will get the coordinates of the element internally and then click on it, but the labels and options that you can use are exactly the same. Refer to click for more information.

- Type: tap_by_coord
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/...
  Id: //some/path
  NoRaise: false/true (Default - false -> will rise error on fail)

press (Works simillar as click)

It works simillar as click, but it will use Appium Actions of the element internally. The labels and options that you can use are exactly the same. Refer to click for more information.


It works simillar as click, but it holds the pressing. The labels and options that you can use are exactly the same. Refer to click for more information.


- Type: swipe_up/swipe_down
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/... (Element from where to start the swipe)
  Id: //some/path (Element from where to start the swipe)
  NoRaise: false/true (Default - false -> will rise error on fail)


Scroll vertically (up or down) until the specified element is visible on the screen. This function accepts many optional parameters, but the simplest form is as follows:

- Type: scroll_until_element_visible
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/...
  Id: //some/path

Set a specific background element to scroll on (the scroll target). If not specified, the scroll target is set to the entire visible window.

- Type: scroll_until_element_visible
  Role: role1
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/...
  Id: //some/path
    Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/...
    Id: //some/path
    RecheckAfterScrolls: 2 (Sometimes the scroll target dimensions may change, e.g. in mobile browsers, the URL bar may auto-hide. Setting this value recalculates the scroll target dimensions after the specified number of swipes)

Customize the swipe action:

  • Adjust the position of the swipe action. By default, the action swipes downwards on the scroll target, at its width * 0.5, from its height * 0.7, to its height * 0.3 (meaning, the swipe distance is the scroll target height * 0.4). This can be changed using offsets relative to the scroll target midpoint (in fractions of its width/height). See the click action description for the values that these offsets can take.
  • Change the swipe speed by passing a value which will be multiplied by the default speed value
  • Change the pause duration (time in seconds to wait after every swipe). Default 0.2s for iOS, otherwise 0.1s

Example of changing all 5 parameters:

- Type: scroll_until_element_visible
  Role: role1
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/...
  Id: //some/path
    OffsetFractionX: 0.3 (Translates to 0.5 + 0.3 = 0.8 * width)
    OffsetStartFractionY: -0.3 (Translates to 0.5 - 0.3 = 0.2 * height)
    OffsetEndFractionY: 0.3 (Translates to 0.5 + 0.3 = 0.8 * height)
    SwipeSpeedMultiplier: 1.2
    SwipePauseDuration: 0.5

Set the scrolling timeout:

- Type: scroll_until_element_visible
  Role: role1
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/...
  Id: //some/path
  ScrollTimeout: 90 (In seconds - default is the global timeout)

Instruct the target element to be scrolled into full view. This means that once the element is visible, one additional swipe will be executed from the element location, to either the top or the bottom of the scroll target (depending on the scroll direction configured in the swipe action).

- Type: scroll_until_element_visible
  Role: role1
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/...
  Id: //some/path
  FullView: true/false (Default false)
  FullViewOffsetY: 150 (Optional - offset in pixels added to either the top or bottom of the scroll target, only when executing the full view swipe action. This can be used to ensure that the element is not scrolled outside the scroll target dimensions. If this is set, FullView is assumed to be true and can be omitted)


- Type: swipe_elements
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Element1: (From element)
	Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/... (Element from where to start the swipe)
	Id: //some/path (Element from where to start the swipe)
  Element2: (To element)
	Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/... (Element from where to start the swipe)
	Id: //some/path (Element from where to start the swipe)


Swipe in an arbitrary direction over a single element. By default, the swipe start and endpoints are at the element midpoint (width * 0.5, height * 0.5), which can be changed using offsets. These can be either absolute (in pixels) or relative (in fractions of the element width/height). See the click action description for the values that these offsets can take. The swipe duration can also be configured (default is 1 second).

- Type: swipe_on_element
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/...
  Id: //some/path
  OffsetStartX: 50 (Translates to (0.5 * width) + 50)
  OffsetStartY: -25 (Translates to (0.5 * height) - 25)
  OffsetEndX: -150
  OffsetEndY: -50
  SwipeTime: 5 (In seconds - default is 1)
  NoRaise: false/true (Default - false -> will raise error on fail)

- Type: swipe_on_element
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/...
  Id: //some/path
  OffsetStartFractionX: 0.4 (Translates to 0.5 + 0.4 = 0.9 * width)
  OffsetStartFractionY: -0.2 (Translates to 0.5 - 0.2 = 0.3 * height)
  OffsetEndFractionX: -0.4
  OffsetEndFractionY: -0.3
  NoRaise: false/true (Default - false -> will raise error on fail)

If only 1-3 offsets need to be changed, the other offsets can be omitted. Additionally, mixing absolute and relative offsets within the same action is allowed, but if both offset types are provided for the same element and axis, the absolute offset takes precedence.


- Type: swipe_coord
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  StartX: 100
  StartY: 200
  EndX: 300
  EndY: 400
  Duration: 0.5 (Optional. if not specified will use 0.2 by default)


- Type: click_coord
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  X: 100
  Y: 200

if X and Y are not provided then middle of the screen is clicked.


Gets the clipboard value from the device and assigns it to some Var using Greps.

- Type: clipboard
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
    - var: SOME_VAR
      condition: nempty (Optional)
      remove: google.com/ (Optional)
      match: "google.com(.*)"


iOS only. Checks for the presence of a native iOS alert. Does nothing if an alert is not found, otherwise clicks the alert button specified by Strategy/Id.

Please note that XCUITest Driver >=6.0.0 requires changing the active application in order to see such alerts in the app hierarchy. The handle_ios_alert function already does this implicitly.

- Type: handle_ios_alert
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Strategy: id/xpath/class_chain/...
  Id: //path/to/button/in/alert
  AlertTime: 5 (Optional. How long to search for the alert itself - default is 1 second)


Opens notifications var (Only Android)

- Type: notifications
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)


Works as pressing the button back on the phone to go to the previous screen.

- Type: back
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)


Updates Appium driver settings. The value must be provided as a JSON object. JSON keys can be optionally placed in quotes.

- Type: update_settings
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Value: { waitForIdleTimeout: 10, 'allowInvisibleElements': true, "elementResponseAttributes": "name" }



- Type: get_call
  Role: role1
  Url: http://url.com
    - match: access_token
      var: TOKEN
  Asserts: (Optional)
	- Type: code
      Value: 200


- Type: post_call
  Role: role1
  Url: http://url.com
  Body: { "data": "data" }
    - match: access_token
      var: TOKEN
  Asserts: (Optional)
	- Type: code
      Value: 200

You can also get files with post_call:

- Type: post_call
  Role: role1
  Url: http://url.com
  Body: { "file": "./file.wav" }
  File_Response: $AND_CLI_folderPath$/file.wav

You can also send multiple files:

- Type: post_call
  Role: command1
  Url: http://url.com
    - Multipart: true
      File: $AND_CLI_folderPath$/$AND_CLI_FILE_NAME$
    - Multipart: true
      File: $AND_CLI_folderPath$/file2.txt

Not Selenium/Appium


- Type: command
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Value: echo Hello
  Raise: true/false (Raises an error if the command fails - Default false)
  Detach: true/false (Detaches the command line from main thread. Can't be used with Raise. Default false)

You can use Greps using regex to get specific values from the input command or output:

- Type: command
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Value: echo Hello
	- var: SOME_VAR
	  condition: nempty (Optional)
	  remove: google.com/ (Optional)
	  match: "google.com(.*)"

You can access any var throgout the code by using the wrapper $AND_CLI_*$, in this case -> $AND_CLI_SOME_VAR$


This type is meant for writing files:

- Type: write_file
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Value: Specific Value Text
  Name: name_of_the_file.txt # default is name.txt
  Folder: /Path/To/Folder # default is project directory `.`


This type retrieves de UTC timestamp when it is executed, and you can write it in a specific file or to specific variable:

- Type: get_timestamp
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Format: Date_Format -> DDMMYY -> check https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/zos/2.4.0?topic=functions-strftime-convert-formatted-time
  File: name_of_the_file.txt # relative or full path to the file to write the date (Use when Var is not used)
  Var: Variable_Name -> Variable to set with the current timestamp (Use when File is not used)


This type sets a Variable to a specific value.

- Type: set_env_var
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Value: Value
  Var: Variable_Name


This type stops the execution for the amount of time specifyied for the role that is written.

- Type: sleep
  Role: role1 (Optional. if not specified will use the first one defined in the case Roles)
  Time: 10


There are different types of asserts that you can perform with testray and the variables.

- Type: assert
  Role: command1
    - Type: contain/n_contain/eq/ne/le/gt/ge
      Value: 8  
contain: "Var" value contains the value within "Value"
n_contain: "Var" value does NOT contain the value within "Value"
eq: "Var" value is equal to the value within "Value"
ne: "Var" value is NOT equal to the value within "Value"
le: "Var" value is lower or equal to the value within "Value"
gt: "Var" value is greater than the value within "Value"
ge: "Var" value is greater or equal to the value within "Value"


There are a lot of operations, look at https://github.com/project-eutopia/keisan

- Type: operation
  Operation: 3+5*3+(3+5)**2+4/2
  ExpectedResult: 84 # (Optional)
  ResultVar: Result # (Optional) You can later use the var like $AND_CLI_Result$ since Result becomes an Environment Variable

Operation examples:

  Operation: "'textlength'.size"
  Operation: "[1,3,5].max"
  Operation: "[1,3,5].min"
  Operation: "1 > 0"
  Operation: "1 < 0"
  Operation: "'Concatenate' + ' text'"


- Type: wait_for/click/send_keys/press/... Anything that calls an element by `Strategy:Id` labels
  Strategy: id/css/xpath/uiautomator/class_chain/predicate
  Id: //div[contains(text(), "http")]
    - Value: 5 # Time in seconds for the condition to fullfil (or not)
      Result: true/false # If you expect the condition to be true or false
      Operation: visible/eq/neq/visible_for
      Raise: true/false # If you want the condition to raise an error