
This is a redesign of my first attampt to make a database operator: https://github.com/kabisa/postgresdb-operator

The goal of this operator is to provide databases for preview environments. It expects that there's already a DbServer available. This operator does not and (in the foreseable future) will not create Database Servers, RDS instances or absolve you of your DBA duties.

Why rewrite the old operator?


  • Ansible was slow. Every step in Ansible takes quite some time. And there were quite a few steps to go through with ansible. Golang however is a lot faster. Ansible was resource heavy. Golang is lean and nimble.
  • I learned that Ansible, and in particular Yaml, is not well suited to implement logic. It's great that I didn't have to think about how to apply the required changes in Postgres. But what was really painful was to gather state information and make reconcilation decisions.

But also:

  • I wanted a good project to learn Golang
  • I believe preview environments are important
  • By using the name DbOperator I give myself the option to support other Databases as well in the future. For now however, the code does not support different databases.
  • I thought it was a cool project to do (still do)


Databases Diagram [ready / beta -ish]

Backup Restore Diagram

Dev Requirements

  • docker
  • kind
  • kuttl
  • golang

There are a couple other things you have to do first to get this running:

  • Somewhere in the files, there should be some secrets/credentials that are NOT included the git repo, ask sjuul for this. (secrets.tar)
  • You should also edit the hosts file
    • Mac/Linux Location: etc/hosts
    • Windows location: c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts
 In the hosts file change the following:
 Remove ""
 Add "	localhost postgres.postgres.svc.cluster.local mysql.mysql.svc.cluster.local"

Running tests

Quick way:

docker pull postgres:latest
make start-test-cluster
make kuttl-test  # currently only postgres is enabled in these tests


First disable the cluster creation in kuttl-test-postgres.yaml

docker pull postgres:latest
make start-test-cluster
kubectl kuttl test --config kuttl-test-postgres.yaml

Building / Packaging

# up helm chart version in helm/charts/db-operator/Chart.yaml
# git commit
make docker-build
make docker-push
make generate-deploys
# git add new tgz file
# git commit and push

Running the operator on your machine with the resources in Kind cluster

make start-test-cluster
kubectl -n postgres port-forward svc/postgres 5432 &

If you want to run as binary

make run


    "name": "Debug",
    "type": "go",
    "request": "launch",
    "mode": "debug",
    "program": "${workspaceRoot}"

If you want to run the test scenario's while you're in debug mode:

make deploy-test-yamls-postgres


kind delete cluster