
Welcome to the "30 Days of Pandas" repository! 🐼

This repository is dedicated to providing solutions to pandas database questions from the LeetCode platform. Whether you're a beginner looking to hone your pandas skills or an experienced coder aiming to brush up on your data manipulation techniques, this collection of questions and answers will surely help you level up your pandas proficiency.

About Pandas Pandas is an open-source data analysis and manipulation tool built on top of the Python programming language. It offers data structures and functions designed to make working with structured data fast, easy, and expressive.

Repository Structure This repository is organized into folders, each corresponding to a specific day of the "30 Days of Pandas" challenge. Inside each folder, you'll find Python scripts containing solutions to the challenges.

Getting Started

  • Browse through the folders corresponding to each day and explore the challenges and solutions.

  • Run the provided Python scripts to see the solutions in action.

Acknowledgments Special thanks to the creators of LeetCode for providing a platform for practicing coding skills, and to the developers of Pandas for building such a powerful tool for data analysis.

Connect with Me If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to say hello, feel free to reach out:

GitHub: (https://github.com/testgithubrittttttt) LinkedIn: (https://www.linkedin.com/in/dhruv-sharma-b79191249/) Email: dhruvsharma4054@gmail.com

Make sure you like the repository and follow me. It really motivates me to do more things in my life so that i can help more people everyday. Happy coding! 🚀