
This is a simple WhatsApp like app where you have all the functionality like WhatsApp

Primary LanguageJava

Lets Chat

This is a WhatsApp clone app that replicates many of the popular features found in the original WhatsApp application. It allows users to sign in using their Google, mobile, or Facebook accounts and provides a platform for registered users to communicate with each other through chat. The app utilizes Firebase as its backend database.


User Authentication: Users can sign in to the app using their Google, mobile, or Facebook accounts. This ensures a seamless and secure login experience.

Real-time Messaging

Registered users can engage in real-time conversations with other users who are also registered on the app. Messages are instantly delivered and displayed within the chat interface.

Profile Customization

Users have the ability to personalize their profiles by updating profile pictures, names, and other relevant information. This allows for a more customized and unique user experience.

Contact List

The app maintains a contact list of registered users, allowing users to easily find and connect with their friends, family, and colleagues who are also using the app.


Users receive notifications for new messages and other important updates, ensuring they never miss any important conversations or information.

Group Chats

Users can create and participate in group chats, enabling them to connect with multiple people simultaneously and engage in group discussions.

Multimedia Support

The app supports the sending and receiving of various media files, such as photos, videos, and documents, allowing users to share rich media content with each other.

Offline Support

The app is designed to work seamlessly even in offline scenarios. Users can compose messages and perform other actions while offline, and the app will automatically sync and update once an internet connection is established.

Technologies Used

Frontend: The frontend of the app is built using [insert frontend technologies here], providing a user-friendly and intuitive interface.
Backend: The backend database for this app is powered by Firebase, a cloud-based database service provided by Google. Firebase offers real-time data synchronization, secure authentication, and other powerful features required for a messaging application.


####### The app integrates with Google, mobile, and Facebook authentication services to provide a secure and convenient sign-in process for users.


Clone the repository:

Install the necessary dependencies:

cd whatsapp-clone
npm install

Configure Firebase:

Create a new project on Firebase (https://firebase.google.com) and set up a new Firebase database. Update the Firebase configuration in the app's code to connect to your Firebase project. Start the development server: npm start Open the app in your browser: http://localhost:3000


Contributions to this project are welcome. Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests to propose changes and improvements.

Please make sure to follow the code of conduct when contributing.


The WhatsApp Clone app is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.

Some insights from the app are:

Screenshot_2023-08-18-21-00-59-351_com example whatsapp

Screenshot_2023-08-18-20-59-18-035_com example whatsapp

Screenshot_2023-08-18-20-58-55-518_com example whatsapp