ESLint plugin to follow best practices and anticipate common mistakes when writing tests with Testing Library
Pinned issues
- 1
`Linter.FlatConfig` type is deprecated
#985 opened by roottool - 2
- 4
Bundle plugin in ESM format
#900 opened by Belco90 - 0
Lint for setting advanceTimers with user-event when using jest.useFakeTimers
#979 opened by backwardok - 7
Upgrade core dependencies
#855 opened by Belco90 - 2
Upgrade `@typescript-eslint` to v8
#948 opened by Belco90 - 3
Upgrade `@typescript-eslint/utils` to v7
#897 opened by Belco90 - 5
- 4
Export flat config presets by default
#961 opened by Belco90 - 3
`no-unnecessary-act`: Doesn't report when the variable has a name other than "userEvent"
#758 opened by ahce - 2
Failure to detect `no-wait-for-side-effects` when used in conjunction with `await`
#742 opened by BenGane - 3
Support React Native events in prefer-user-event
#957 opened by ddrozdov - 9
Prepare the rules for ESLint v9
#899 opened by Belco90 - 7
- 1
ESLint v9 still not supported?
#936 opened by obrejla - 4
`await-async-events` doesn't seem to check calls from user sessions returned by userEvent.setup()
#812 opened by julienw - 9
Prepare the plugin for flat config
#853 opened by Belco90 - 1
Make 'prefer-presence-queries' autofixable
#916 opened by guicamillo - 1
- 1
Make 'await-async-queries' rule auto-fixable
#914 opened by neriyarden - 1
Disallow using findBy* inside a waitFor block
#910 opened by neriyarden - 1
- 3
`await-async-events` produces false-positives
#881 opened by kripod - 1
False positive for `testing-library/await-async-events` when returning using a ternary
#887 opened by jasonblalock - 6
Fail no-container on use of innerHTML
#883 opened by CodingItWrong - 0
Linting fails as "react-test-renderer" functions are interpreted as functions from "testing-library/react"
#888 opened by Sembauke - 1
`testing-library/await-async-queries` false positives with optional chaining `?.`
#882 opened by tronguye - 1
no-debug also affects log.debug() custom logger
#845 opened by gkiely - 0
- 4
`await-async-events` reports a problem when `userEvent.setup` is called from another function
#818 opened by dfernandez79 - 10
Unnecessary presence checks on findBy queries
#743 opened by nathanmmiller - 3
`no-unnecessary-act` false positive
#820 opened by mikew - 2
`userEvent.setup` API does not return a Promise.
#800 opened by macchiitaka - 0
False `render-result-naming-convention` warning
#816 opened by jiaruivh - 12
Contradicting issue reports between `async-await-events` and `no-await-sync-events`
#801 opened by wadehammes - 1
- 3
- 1
- 1
- 2
`userEvent.hover` returns a promise - `no-await-sync-events` vs `no-floating-promises` reasoning
#804 opened by mkosir - 2
Failure to Detect no-node-access Error Upon Re-Export of '@testing-library/react'
#802 opened by y-hsgw - 3
- 7
False positive for await-async-utils
#732 opened by iantocristian - 5
False positive for await-async-utils
#715 opened by matheusmb - 12
- 0
`consistent-data-testid`: Wrong `{fileName}` value in `testIdPattern` on Windows
#782 opened by pierrecholhot - 0
prefer-screen-queries and render-result-naming-convention have contradictory messages
#777 opened by abejfehr - 0
- 9
- 1
Invalid autofix from `prefer-find-by`
#739 opened by tylerlaprade