🔍 Find elements in Playwright with queries from Testing Library
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Future of this library
#558 opened by IanVS - 0
Select items from combobox
#606 opened by InduKrish - 0
Unable to Iterate the table -using map or forEach
#605 opened by InduKrish - 5
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Playwright: how to automate scrolling thru the table
#598 opened by InduKrish - 1
Scroll to the bottom of the table -
#597 opened by msabya - 3
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Error - within(tableRows.nth(i)).getAllByRole('cell') - is throwing error - TestingLibraryElementError: Unable to find an accessible element with the role "cell"
#570 opened by msabya - 1
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Question: Unable to click the link
#565 opened by InduKrish - 2
Usage of fixtures with a new browser context
#566 opened by ptbrowne - 1
Question: how to verify if the table has no rows using playwright testing library?
#562 opened by InduKrish - 1
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Returns error while reading data from json or csv file and running parameterized tests
#550 opened by InduKrish - 0
Make find queries "lazier"
#546 opened by jrolfs - 0
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selector resolved to hidden error
#521 opened by InduKrish - 1
expect assertion fails when filtered by table name
#520 opened by InduKrish - 4
findByText returns [object Promise], hence erroring out with the error 'toContainText can be only used with Locator object'
#513 opened by InduKrish - 3
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Unable to locate the checkbox in the same row where the text is found in the table --> **await row.locator(':scope', { hasText: text}).locator('span:has-text("check")').click();** --> how playwright testing library supports scope variable like playwright does, using hasText
#517 opened by InduKrish - 0
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Upgrade Testing Library DOM
#524 opened by jrolfs - 1
What if `locator.waitFor({ state: 'attached' })` but `options.hidden === false` in Testing Library?
#506 opened by sebinsua - 4
filter by table name to verify the headers names based on table row test ids <tr> instead of header id <th> test ids.
#518 opened by InduKrish - 4
how to read table header and do assertion?
#511 opened by InduKrish - 2
findByText still fails after adding await.
#519 opened by InduKrish - 3
elementHandle.evaluateHandle: TestingLibraryElementError: Unable to find an element by, and the other error-click is not a function
#507 opened by InduKrish - 46
Expect assertions can't be used due to returning ElementHandles instead of Locators
#430 opened by ScubaDaniel - 0
Error output is incredibly long for failed queries
#491 opened by jrolfs - 8
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findByRole: Unable to query heading by level
#374 opened by weyert - 17
Move into testing-library org
#173 opened by jamesgorrie - 2
Basic example for Playwright Test fails with Error: toHaveValue can be only used with Locator object
#356 opened by petetnt - 4
Implementation of byRole queries is incorrect.
#349 opened by aaron-nance - 7
Extending jest-playwright
#140 opened by danifornells - 8
Extending @playwright/test 1.12
#251 opened by denovodavid - 4
TypeScript: why does waitFor expect Promise<void>?
#238 opened by huwmartin - 0
The automated release is failing 🚨
#261 opened by github-actions - 0
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The automated release is failing 🚨
#232 opened by jrolfs - 1
Using with TypeScript
#53 opened by jrolfs