
Main-net Antora

Primary LanguageDIGITAL Command LanguageApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Mainnet Antora

Submit request for initial validator funding

  • Fork this repo into your Github account

  • Clone your repo using:

    git clone https://github.com/<YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME>/Antora
  • Create a new Markdown file in the Grants Directory

    cd Antora/Grants
  • Name the Markdown file with your GITHUB username

  • Include in the file your IDEP wallet address and a brief description why you should get a grant.

  • Commit and push to your repo

  • Create a PR onto https://github.com/IDEP-network/Antora

  • Only PRs from individuals / groups with a history of successfully running validator nodes will be accepted. This is to ensure the network is successfully decentralized.

Original launch docs

Note these are left for historical purposes.

Planned Start Time: JUNE 25 2022 at 6PM UTC.

Block Explorer


Minimum hardware requirements

  • 8GB RAM
  • 500GB of disk space
  • 4v cpu amd64 CPU

Genesis sha256

sha256sum ~/.iond/config/genesis.json

Seed node

Full seed nodes list.


Persistent Peers



Prerequisites: Make sure to have Golang >=1.17.

Full-Node Setup

  • Download the IDEP client binary iond
git clone https://github.com/IDEP-network/Antora.git
  • Add permissions to the binary
sudo chmod +x Antora/iond
  • Move/Copy the binary to /usr/local/bin/
cp Antora/iond /usr/local/bin/
  • Check the binary commands with
iond -h

Verify Your Installation

Verify that everything is OK. If you get something like the following, you've successfully installed iond on your system.

$ iond version --long
name: Ion
server_name: iond
version: v1.0.0
commit: ""
go: go version go1.18.1 linux/amd64

Full-Node Initialization

iond init <moniker> --chain-id Antora
iond keys add <accountname>
  • Save the mnemonic
  • Find then add your IP address in the external_address field in the config.toml file
external_address=$(curl -s ifconfig.me):26656
sed -i.bak -e "s/^external_address = \"\"/external_address = \"$external_address\"/" $HOME/.ion/config/config.toml
  • Next make your way to the nodes config directory, remove the genesis.json and replace it with the one provided in this repo
cd ~/.ion/config/

rm genesis.json
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IDEP-network/Antora/main/genesis.json

Setup Service and start the node

export USERNAME=$(whoami)
sudo -E bash -c 'cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/system/iond.service
Description=Iond Daemon

ExecStart=/home/$USERNAME/go/bin/iond start

sudo systemctl enable iond.service
sudo systemctl start iond.service


iond keys list
  • Create a Validator

Before you can create your Validator, your node has to be synced up to the latest block of the chain. You can check this by:

iond status

If catching_up is false you are good to execute:

iond tx staking create-validator \
    --amount 10000000000idep \
    --commission-max-change-rate 0.01 \
    --commission-max-rate 0.2 \
    --commission-rate 0.1 \
    --from <YourWalletAddress> \
    --min-self-delegation 1 \
    --moniker <YourMoniker> \
    --pubkey $(iond tendermint show-validator) \
    --chain-id Antora

Start your node

Now that everything is setup and ready to go, you can start your node.

iond start


Example of a command to create a Validator

iond tx staking create-validator --amount 15000000000000idep --from idep1d2nqcwf9zz9fx7xlesyt0gc3utfxe2mk6nfwey --pubkey idepvalconspub1zcjduepqztw5yzm5wj0yc600aaemxlmda5488jv9hycxfnta3w7vz9jgpawqc9qnhs --commission-rate 0.01 --commission-max-rate 0.05 --commission-max-change-rate 0.005 --min-self-delegation 1 --chain-id Antora