
The Vansah API binding for Java can be used to access Vansah's API from Java based languages.

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

The "Vansah API binding for Java" enables seamless integration with Maven, Selenium, Playwright, TestNG, Cucumber and more, while efficiently sending test results to Vansah Test Management for Jira

WebsiteMore Connect Integrations

Table of Contents


  • Set custom API URL and tokens for authentication.
  • Easily connect your Java applications with Vansah Test Management for Jira to report test results, and update test runs without manual intervention.
  • Automatically send test results to Vansah as they are generated, ensuring that your test management system reflects the most current test outcomes.
  • Attach screenshots to test runs in Vansah for more detailed reporting and analysis.
  • Configure the library to suit your project's specific needs, including proxy settings.
  • Robust error handling and logging mechanisms to troubleshoot issues during integration and test result reporting.
  • Detailed documentation and usage examples to help you get started quickly and make the most out of the Vansah Binding for Java.


  • Make sure that Vansah is installed in your Jira workspace
  • You need to Generate Vansah connect token to authenticate with Vansah APIs.
  • Your Automation Project requires Java JDK version 8 or newer.
  • You need to add Apache Commons Lang, and Unirest into your Maven project pom.xml .


  • Download/Copy the latest Vansah Binding Java VansahNode.java file and extract it into your maven project under test package.
  • Now You need to provide your Vansah connect token into your VansahNode.java file.
    • We have two options :
      • Add Directly into VansahNode.file
        public class VansahNode {
         * The authentication token required for making requests to the Vansah API. This token
         * authenticates the client to the Vansah system, ensuring secure access to API functions.
         * Replace "Your Token Here" with the actual token provided by Vansah. 
         * Note that this token should be kept confidential to prevent unauthorized access to the API.
        	private static String VANSAH_TOKEN = "Your Token Here";
      • Use Setter functions to add the token
          VansahNode app = new VansahNode(); //Instance of VansahNode app
            * Sets the Vansah API authentication token to the specified value. This method allows for
            * dynamically updating the token used for authenticating requests to the Vansah API. 
            * Changing the token can be necessary if the current token expires or if switching to 
            * a different Vansah environment.
        app.setVansahToken("Add your Token here");
           * Sets a custom URL for the Vansah APIs. 
        app.setVansahURL("Your Vansah API URL") //Obtain your Vansah Connect URL from Vansah Settings > Vansah API Tokens


To Integrate Vansah Binding Java functions, you need to add the below dependencies into your pom.xml file.


Usage examples

  • Executing a Test Case with Steps against a Jira Issue
    public class LoginTest {

    private File screenshotFile;
    public WebDriver driver;

    public void setUp() {
       // Method implementation...

    public void testLogin() {
        VansahNode apptest = new VansahNode();
        //Set Jira Issue or Test Folder Identifier
        //Set Environment
        //Running Test Case for an Issue

 	// Step 1: Navigate to the login page
        //Add logs for each step function without screenshot(ResultID, ActualResultComment , TestStepID);  
        apptest.addTestLog("passed", "Website loaded successfully",1);

        }catch(Exception e){
        //Updates an existing test log with new information or failure screenshot when there is any Exception
        apptest.updateTestLog("failed","Failed to load the website URL",screenshotFile);

        // Step 2: Enter credentials and submit the form
        WebElement usernameInput = driver.findElement(By.id("username"));
        WebElement passwordInput = driver.findElement(By.id("password"));
        WebElement loginButton = driver.findElement(By.id("loginButton"));
        //Add logs for each step function with screenshot(ResultID, ActualResultComment , TestStepID, File Screenshot);  
        apptest.addTestLog("passed", "As expected, User is able to enter the username and password",2,screenshotFile);

        }catch(Exception e){
        //Updates an existing test log with new information or failure screenshot when there is any Exception
        apptest.updateTestLog("failed","User is not able to click on Login Button",screenshotFile);

        // Step 3: Verify successful login
        WebElement welcomeMessage = driver.findElement(By.id("welcomeMessage"));
        assertTrue("Login was successful", welcomeMessage.isDisplayed());
        //Add logs for each step function with screenshot(ResultID, ActualResultComment , TestStepID, File Screenshot);  
        apptest.addTestLog("passed", "As expected, Welcome Message is shown as "+welcomeMessage.isDisplayed(),3,screenshotFile);
        }catch(Exception e){
        //Updates an existing test log with new information when there is any Exception
        apptest.updateTestLog("failed","Welcome Message is not shown");

    public void tearDown() {
        // Method implementation...

Methods Overview

The VansahNode class provides a comprehensive interface for interacting with Vansah Test Management for Jira directly from Java applications. Below is a description of its public methods, designed to facilitate various test management tasks such as creating test runs, logging test results, and managing test assets.

addTestRunFromJIRAIssue(String testcase)

Creates a new test run linked to a specific JIRA issue. This method is ideal for tests associated directly with JIRA issues, allowing for automated test run creation within Vansah based on the issue key provided.

  • Parameters:
    • testcase: The test case identifier linked to the JIRA issue.

addTestRunFromTestFolder(String testcase)

Initiates a new test run within a specified test folder. Use this method to organize your test runs within Vansah's folder structure, facilitating structured test management.

  • Parameters:
    • testcase: The identifier of the test case to be included in the test folder.

addTestLog(String/Integer result, String comment, Integer testStepRow, File screenshotFile (optional))

Logs the result of a specific test step, optionally including a comment and a screenshot. This method provides detailed tracking of test execution outcomes.

  • Parameters:
    • result: The outcome of the test step (e.g., PASSED, FAILED)|| (e.g 0 = N/A, 1 = FAIL, 2 = PASS, 3 = Not tested).
    • comment: An optional comment describing the test step outcome.
    • testStepRow: The index of the test step within the test case.
    • screenshotFile: (Optional) The File Object of the screenshot taken to upload : Provide file object or Path of the screenshot.

addQuickTestFromJiraIssue(String testcase, int result) and addQuickTestFromTestFolders(String testcase, int result)

Quickly logs the overall result of a test case associated with either a JIRA issue or a test folder. These methods are suited for tests that do not require detailed step-by-step logging.

  • Parameters:
    • testcase: The test case identifier.
    • result: The overall test result (e.g., PASS, FAIL).

removeTestRun() and removeTestLog()

Deletes a previously created test run or log. These methods are useful for cleaning up data in Vansah that is no longer relevant or was created in error.

updateTestLog(String result, String comment, File screenshotFile (optional))

Updates an existing test log with new information, such as a revised result or an additional comment, and optionally includes a new screenshot.

  • Parameters:
    • Similar to addTestLog, with the same purpose of detailed logging but for updates.

Setter Methods of Vansah Binding

The VansahNode class provides a set of setter methods to configure your test management context before performing operations such as creating test runs, adding test logs, and more. Here's a detailed overview of each setter method:


Configures the test folder ID for the VansahNode instance. This ID is essential for associating your test runs and logs with the correct test folder in Vansah.

  • Parameters:
    • TESTFOLDERS_ID: The unique identifier for the test folder in Vansah.


Sets the JIRA issue key. Use this method to link your test runs or logs with a specific issue in Jira, facilitating better traceability and integration between testing and issue tracking.

  • Parameters:
    • JIRA_ISSUE_KEY: The key of the Jira issue you want to associate with your test runs or logs.


Defines the sprint name related to the test activities. Setting the sprint name helps in organizing and filtering test results by specific development sprints.

  • Parameters:
    • SPRINT_NAME: The name of the sprint to associate with your test runs or logs.


Assigns the release name to the VansahNode instance. This information is used to group test runs and logs under specific release cycles in Vansah, aiding in release management and reporting.

  • Parameters:
    • RELEASE_NAME: The name of the release or version you're testing against.


Sets the testing environment's name. This helps in categorizing and understanding the context of test runs or logs, especially when managing tests across multiple environments (e.g., development, staging, production).

  • Parameters:
    • ENVIRONMENT_NAME: The name of the environment where the tests are executed.


To use these setter methods in your application, create an instance of VansahNode and call the relevant setter methods with the appropriate values before proceeding with any test management operations. For example:

VansahNode vansahNode = new VansahNode();
vansahNode.setVansahToken("Add your Token here");

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